Giddy Up

Jennifer Klotz (USA) - January 2023
Giddy Up! - Shania Twain

Optional Tag

I. [1‐8]. Rock Step Cross, pivot ½ turns
1&2Step to the side on your right while changing weight to it, lift left foot in place, and place it back down weighted, cross right foot over left weighted.
3&4Step to the side on your left while changing weight to it, lift right foot in place, and place it back down weighted, cross left foot over right weighted
5-6Stepping forward on right, make a ½ pivot turn over your left shoulder while making a lasso motion with your hands.
7-8Stepping forward on right, make a ½ pivot turn over your left shoulder while making a lasso motion with your hands.

II. [9‐16]. Kick Ball Changes, Jazz Box
1&2Kick right Foot forward. Place right foot back down bearing weight on ball of right foot (Toe), lift left foot slightly and placing weight on left.
3&4Kick right Foot forward. Place right foot back down bearing weight on ball of right foot (Toe), lift left foot up and placing weight back down left foot.
5,6,7,8Cross right over left, step back on left, Step right to the side, step left beside right.

III. [17‐24]. Vines ¼ turn.
1 2 3 4Step right to the side, step left behind right, step right to the side, step left to right with a touch.
5 6 7 8Step left to the side, step right behind left step left to the side while making a ¼ turn, scuff right foot forward. (Alternative rolling vine)

IIII. [25‐32]. Hip bumps and Body Rolls
1 2 3 4Bump right hip forward twice, bump left hip back twice.
5 6Rolling chest forward, following rolling hips forward.
7 8Rolling chest forward, following rolling hips forward.

Tag: (can be danced without or with a tag.) At the end of wall 3 replace 24th
step(scuff) by Placing right foot next to left. Slide to the left, hold for a count/clap
Slide to the right, hold for a count/clap. Hop forward, Bump right hip forward twice, Bump left hip back twice. rolling chest forward, following rolling hips forward. (One body roll)

Last Update: 9 Feb 2023