Minimum Wage
Sandra Moschel (FR) - 16 January 2021
Minimum Wage - Blake Shelton
[1-8] Pigeon toe (R and L) - Heel fan (R and L) - Step 1/2 turn L Kick
1 & 2Open the tips of the 2 feet - Close - Open the tips both feet (moving to the right)
3 & 4Close the tips of the 2 feet -Open the tips of the 2 feet Close the tips of the 2 feet (moving to the left)
5 & 6 &Close right heel - Come back - Close left heel - Come back
7 & 8RF forward - 1/2 turn left - Kick RF forward
[9-16] Coaster step (R and L) - Step fwd diagonal - Touch - Step back - Together - Step back - Touch - Side Point
1 & 2RF back - step left next to right - step right forward
3 & 4Left back - Right next to left - Left forward
5 & 6 &RF forward diagonally - Touch left next to RF Left back - Right next to left
7 & 8Step left back - Touch right next to left - Point right right
[17-24] Samba step (R and L) - Rock fwd syncopated 1/2 turn (R) - Kick ball touch
1 & 2Cross right over left - step left to left - step right forward
3 & 4Cross left over right - Step right to right - Left forward
5 & 6RF forward with support - Back support left -1/2 turn right PD forward
7 & 8Kick ball left - Touch right next to left
[25-32] Shuffle back - Coaster step - Monterey turn 1/4 turn (2x)
1 & 2RF back - left next to right - right back
3 & 4Left back - Right next to left - Left forward
5 & 6 &Point RF right - Gather 1/4 turn to the right Point left to left - left next to right
7 & 8 &Point RF to the right - Gather 1/4 turn to the right Point left to left - left next to right