Dancing Round The Bedrooom Floor
High Beginner / Circle
Gary Spurway (UK) - January 2018
Bedroom Floor - Liam Payne
Start dance on lyrics
Section 1: Step brushes x4
1-2step forward on right and brush left
3-4step forward on left and brush right
5-6step forward on right and brush left
7-8step forward on left and brush right
Section 2: grapevine right and left
1-2step right to side, left behind
3-4step right to side, left tap beside right
5-6step left to side, right behind
7-8step left to side, tap right beside left
Section 3: back , 1/4 side , ¼ side ,step ½ turn step together (make a slow full turn )
1-2step back on right ,hold
3-4¼ turn to left as step to left side ,hold
5-6¼ turn to left as step right forward ,hold
7-8½ turn weight on left ,tap right together
Section 4: step and point ,toe struts
1-2step right forward and point left to left
3-4step left forward and point right to right
5-6step right toe forward and put heel down
7-8step left toe forward and put heel down
Repeat and Enjoy
Contact: ginger1701@yahoo.com