Weird People EZ

Easy Beginner
K. Sholes (USA) - September 2016
Weird People - Little Mix

#4 easy Restarts

Section 1: Walk x3, 1/4 pivot, Hip Rolls
1-4Walk R,L,R forward, Pivot 1/4 left,
5-8Roll hips R,L,R,L.

Section 2: 1/4 turn Step X4 (with arm movements)
1-4Step R 1/4 right, Hold, Step L 1/4 right, Hold,
5-8Step R 1/4 right, Hold, Step L 1/4 right, Hold.

Section 3: Mambo X2, Body roll
1&2 3&4Rock R to side, Recover L, Step R togeth, Rock L to side, Recover R, Step L togeth,
5-8Step R to side bending at waist, Step L together rolling R shoulder up, Step R to side bending at waist, Step L together rolling R shoulder up.

Section 4: Repeat Section #2
Arm Movements: 1-2 L left arm straight up, right arm straight out
3-4Peter Pan both hands on hips, elbows out
5-6Swimmer left arm up & front, right arm down & back
7-8Hoochie coochie left hand on hip, right hand behind head

Wall #3: After Section #2
Wall #6: After Section #1
Wall #9: After Section #2
Wall #12: After Section #2

Begin Again! Enjoy!