Runaway Baby
Easy Intermediate
Pooi Kuan (MY) - July 2016
Runaway Baby - Bruno Mars
Dance starts after 16 counts
Section 1: Side Step Touch 4x
1 2 3 4Step RF to side, Touch LF beside RF, Step LF to side, Touch RF beside LF
5 6 7 8Step RF to side, Touch LF beside RF, Step LF to side, Touch RF beside LF
Section 2: Forward Step Touch, Back Step Touch, Hip Bump 4x
1 2 3 4Step RF forward, Touch LF behind RF, Step LF back, Touch RF in front of LF
5 6 7 8Step RF to R with Hip Bump to R,L,R,L
Section 3: Swivels, Hold, 1/4L Turn Toe Struts
1 2 3 4Swivel both heels to R, Swivel both toes to R, Swivel both heels to R, Hold/Clap
5 61/4L Turn with Left Toe Struts-Touch Left toe forward, step down,
7 8Right Toe Struts – Touch Right toe forward, step down
Section 4: Out Out In In, Stomp, Heel Tap 3x
&1 2Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side, Hold/Clap
&3 4Step LF In, Step RF beside LF, Hold/Clap
5 6 7 8Stomp RF forward, Heel Tap 3 times,
Tags: At Wall 4 & Wall 8 (12:00) dance again Section 4 - 8 counts and start dance again
Restart: At Wall 10 (9:00) dance after 16 counts (Sec1 & 2) then Restart
Ending: At Wall 12 (6.00) dance until 22 counts will facing 3.00
7 8 –toe strut make it 1/4L turn for ending pose at front wall
~~~ Enjoy! ~~~