Till Ya Legs Hurt
Phrased Low Intermediate
Rhoda Lai (CAN) - August 2016
Till Ya Legs Hurt - 99 Percent : (iTunes)
Intro: 16 counts - Sequence: AB AAB AAB AB
A -32 counts
AS1: L Dorothy, R Lock Diagonal, L Forward Rock, ¼ L Chasse L
12&Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step forward L
3&4Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward R
56Rock forward L, recover onto R
7&8¼ L stepping L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side (9:00)
AS2: R Forward Rock, R Together-out-out-in, Chugs for ½ L
12Rock forward R, recover onto L
&3&4Step R beside L, step L out to L side, step R out to R side, step L in to the center
5678Chug on R with 1/8 L 4 times (ending weight on R) (3:00)
AS3: L Forward Rock, L Together, R Forward-twist-twist, Back R, L, R Back Rock, R Kick Step
12&Rock forward L, recover onto R, step L beside R
3&4Step forward R, twist both heels to the R, twist both heels to the L back to the center
56Step back R, step back L
7&8&Rock back R, recover onto L, kick R forward, step R beside L
AS4: Press L, Recover R - kick L, L Back - R Hitch-&-hitch, Sailor ¼ R, L Forward Rock, Recover R-hitch L
12Press L forward, recover onto R while kicking L forward (Easy Option: Rock forward L, recover onto R)
3&4Step L behind R hitching R, step R in place, hitch R while stepping L in place (Easy Option: L shuffle back)
5&6¼ R stepping R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side (6:00)
78Rock forward L, recover onto R while hitching L
B -32 counts The 1st 3 Bs start facing 6:00. The 4th B starts facing 12:00.
Assume you start the 1st B at 6:00 and follow the clock reference below:
BS1: L Diagonal Step-lock-step-lock-step, R Diagonal Step-lock-step-lock-step
12Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L (6:00)
3&4Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step forward L
56Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R
7&8Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step forward R
BS2: Sway LRLR (Nae Nae), L Forward Pivot ½ R, L Forward Rock
1234With bent knees, step L to L side and sway to L, R, L, R (The dance move is called “Nae Nae”)
(Optional styling: place L hand up in the air and R hand down on the side)
5678Step forward L, pivot ½ R, rock forward L, recover onto R (12:00)
BS3: L Side together, Twist to the L, R Side together, Twist to the R
12Step L to L side, step R beside L
3&4Twist to the L: heel, toe, heel (ending weight on L)
56Step R to R side, step L beside R
7&8Twist to the R: heel, toe, heel (ending weight on R)
BS4: ¼ R Sway L R(Nae Nae), ¼ R Sway L R(Nae Nae), L Forward Rock, Run back LRLR
12¼ R stepping L to L side with bent knees and swaying to the L, sway R (Same styling as in S2) (3:00)
34¼ R stepping L to L side with bent knees and swaying to the L, sway R (Same styling as in S2) (6:00)
56Rock forward L, recover onto R
7&8&Run back L, R, L, R
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - www.laidance.net