Country Wide

Phrased Intermediate
Jérémy Schoenenberger (FR) - April 2016
Country Must Be Country Wide - Brantley Gilbert

Count in = 32 counts - Sequence = AB CC Tag AB CC A’ A” C’ C C C”

Part A: 32 counts
A[1 – 8] = Skate x2, Triple Step ¼ turn, Step Turn ½, Bump x2
1 – 2Skate RF forward, Skate LF forward
3 & 4Triple step ¼ turn to R (face 3 :00)
5 – 6Step LF forward, Turn ½ to R, the weight on LF
7 & 8Hip Bump right, center, right

A[9 – 16] = Walk x 2, Mambo R, Coaster Step, Coaster Step Reverse, Close
1 – 2Step RF forward, Step LF forward
3 & 4Step RF forward, Recover on LF, Step back on RF
5 & 6Step LF back, Close RF next to LF, Step forward LF
7 & 8 &Step RF forward, Close LF next to RF, Step RF back, Close LF next to RF

A[17 – 24] = Cross, Side, Cross, Side, Back and sweep, Behind Side Cross Turn ¼, Triple Full Turn
1 – 2Cross RF forward, Step LF to L side
3 & 4Cross RF forward, Step LF to L side, Cross RF back doing Sweep with LF from front to backward
5 & 6Cross LF behind RF, ¼ Turn R RF forward, LF forward
7 & 8½ Turn to L RF back, ½ Turn to L LF forward, Step RF forward

A[25 – 32] = Mambo forward x2, Point Side, Monterey Turn, Close
1 & 2Step LF forward, Recover on RF, Close LF next to RF
3 & 4Step RF forward, Recover on LF, Close RF next to LF
5 & 6Point LF to L side, Close LF next to RF, Point RF to R side
7 – 8 &½ Turn to R (weight on RF), Point LF to L side, Close LF next to RF

A’ = Restart after 16 counts A” = Restart after 8 counts

Part B: 16 counts (Dance on music accent)
B[1 – 8] = Point Side x3, Hold, Walk x2, Step Side, Hold
1 – 4Point RF to R side, Close RF next to LF, Point LF to L side, Close LF next to RF, Point RF to R side, Hold
5 – 8Step RF forward, Step LF forward, Step RF to R side, Hold

B[9 – 16] = Heel, Heel, Out, Out, Close Hitch, Lock Step Diagonally L, Lock Step Diagonally R, Step, Scuff
1 & 2Heel LF forward, Close LF next to RF, Heel RF forward,
& 3 – 4 &Step out on RF, Step out on LF, Hold, Close RF next to LF
5 & 6Step LF to L diagonal, Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L diagonal
& 7 &Step RF to R diagonal, Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R diagonal
8 &Step forward on LF, Scuff on RF

Part C: 16 counts
C[1 – 8] = Tap Heel Stomp x2, Out Out Clap, Sailor Step x2
1 & 2Tap RF heel to R side x2, Stomp
3 & 4Tap LF heel to L side x2, Stomp
5 & 6Step out RF, Step out LF, Clap your hands
7 & aCross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, step RF to R side
8 & aCross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L side

C[9 – 16] = Cross, Side, Back and Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Turn ¼, Step Lock Step, Step Turn ¾, Slide
1 & 2Cross RF forward, Step LF on L side, Cross RF behind making a sweep with LF from front to backward
3 & 4Cross LF behind, ¼ Turn R RF forward, LF forward
5 & 6Step RF forward, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward
7 & 8Step LF forward Turn ½ R, Turn ¼ R making a slide to L side on LF

C’ = (From count 1)
1 & 2Tap RF heel to R side x2, Stomp
3 & 4Tap LF heel to L side x2, Stomp
5 6 7 8Hip-roll conter clockwise on music

C” = (From count 9) FINAL
1 & 2Cross RF forward, Step LF on L side, Cross RF behind making a sweep with LF from front to backward
3 & 4Cross LF behind, Step RF on R side turning, Cross LF front (stay on the same wall)

On music Step RF on R side (eyes looking to R diagonal), Hold
Turn chest to L diagonal by bending knees (weight on RF)
“…Wide…” Walk all around the dance floor till guitar stop playing
Facing 12:00, eyes looking upon your R shoulder
“..Hey miss” Give a chin pop
