Photo of Love
Lavina Motamedi (CAN) - September 2015
Photograph - Ed Sheeran : (Album: X, Deluxe Edition - iTunes & Amazon)
Start after 32 count intro.
Note: There is 1 Tag of 8 counts at the end of wall 4, facing 12 o'clock.
S1: Grapevine, Rocking Chair.
1-4Step L to left side (1). Cross R behind L (2). Step L to left side (3). Touch R beside L (4). Arms sway to the L.
5-8Rock fwd on R, swinging arms fwd to R diagonal (5). Recover back on L (6). Rock back on R, lowering arms (7). Recover fwd on L (8).
S2: Fwd Heel Tap, Back Toe Tap, Shuffle Fwd, Side Rock, Cross, Hold.
1-2Touch R heel fwd. Bend L arm and swing it across chest, making a fist (1). Touch R toe back (2).
3 & 4Step fwd on R as you lower L arm (3). Step L next to R (&). Step fwd on R (4).
5-8Rock L to left side (5). Recover on R (6). Cross step L over R (7). Hold (8).
S3: Sway R-L, Step, Drag, Touch, Grapevine 1/4 Turn Left, Sweep.
1-2Step R to right side swaying hips and arms to the right (1). Sway hips and arms to the left (2) .
3-4Large step R to right side and drag L towards R foot. Sway arms to the right (3). Touch L beside R (4).
5-8Step L to left side (5). Cross R behind L (6). Turn 1/4 left, stepping L fwd and sweeping R fwd (7-8).
S4: Cross, Side, Together, Cross, Step Hitch, Side Rock.
1-4Cross Step R over L (1). Step L to left side (2). Step R next to L(3). Cross step L over R (4).
5-6Step R to right side as you hitch L knee across R, lifting arms up (5). Hold (6).
7-8Rock L to left side as you lower arms (7). Recover on R (8).
TAG: End of wall 4
Step Touch 3X, Heel, Together.
1 2Step L to left side (1). Touch R next to L (2).
3 4Step R to right side (3). Touch L next to R (4).
5 6Step L to left side (5). Touch R next to L (6).
7 8Touch R heel fwd (7). Step R next to L (8).