Baddest Girl In Town

Phrased Intermediate
Darren Bailey (UK), Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) & Raymond Sarlemijn (NL) - November 2015
Baddest Girl in Town (feat. Mohombi & Wisin) (International Remix) - Pitbull

Intro: Dance starts straight away (No Intro)
Sequance: A(Short)BCABCABC

A - 48 counts
A1: Paddle turns to L, Paddle turns to R
1-2Make an 1/8 turn L stepping RF slightly to R side, Make an 1/8 turn L stepping RF slightly to R side
3-4Make an 1/8 turn L stepping RF slightly to R side, Make an 1/8 turn L stepping RF slightly to R side
5-6Make an 1/8 turn R stepping LF slightly to L side, Make an 1/8 turn R stepping LF slightly to L side
7-8Make an 1/8 turn R stepping LF slightly to L side, Make an 1/8 turn R stepping LF next to RF

A2: Butterfly R, L, Chasse R, L heel ball cross
1-2Step out to R with RF and start to roll R knee in, Continue knee roll forward and finish taking weight onto RF (R arm makes a similar movement as leg)
3-4Step out to L with LF and start to roll L knee in, Continue knee roll forward and finish taking weight onto LF (L arm makes a similar movement as leg)
5&6Step Rf to R side, close LF next to RF, step RF to R side 7&8 Touch L heel to L diagonal, step LF in place, cross RF over LF
7&8Touch L heel to L diagonal, step LF in place, cross RF over LF

A3: 1/4 L dip, Hitch, Behind side cross, 1/2 turn Monterey to R, Rock and cross
1-2Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward onto LF bending into L knee slightly, Lock Rf behind LF hitching up L knee as you start to pull LF around to the back
3&4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side, cross LF in front of RF
5-6Touch RF to R side, make a 1/2 turn R collecting RF next to LF
7&8Rock LF to L side, recover onto RF, cross LF over RF

A4: Side, Cross, Side cross 1/4 turn L, Syncopated Lock forward
1-2Step RF to R side, cross LF over RF
3&4Step RF to R side, close LF next to RF, make a 1/4 L and step forward on RF
5&6&Step LF to L diagonal, lock RF behind LF, step LF to L diagonal, step RF to R diagonal
7&8Lock LF behind RF, step RF to R diagonal, step forward on LF
Note: (Only dance up to here on the 1st A and start B from this point)

A5: Cross, Side, Cross shuffle, x2
1-2Cross RF over LF, step LF to L side
3&4Cross RF over LF, step LF to L side, cross RF over LF
5-6Cross LF over RF, step RF to R side
7&8Cross LF over RF, step RF to R side, cross LF over RF

A6: Jazz Box with R, Pivot 1/2 turn L x2
1-2Cross RF over LF, step back on LF
3-4Step RF to R side, step forward on LF
5-6Step forward on RF, make a 1/2 turn pivot L
7-8Step forward on RF, make a 1/2 turn pivot L

B1: Basic Samba steps R, L, R, L (with directional changes)
1&2Make an 1/8 L and Step RF to R diagonal, rock back on LF, recover onto RF (facing 10:30)
3&4Make a 1/4 turn R and Step LF to L diagonal, rock back on RF, recover onto LF (facing 1:30)
5&6Make a 1/4 turn R and Step RF to R diagonal, rock back on LF, recover onto RF (facing 4:30)
7&8Male a 1/4 turn R and Step LF to L diagonal, rock back on RF, recover onto LF (facing 7:30)

B2: Extended chasse R, Cross rock, recover, side, Hip Roll
1&2&Make a 1/8 turn R and step RF to R side, close LF next to RF, step RF to R side, close LF next to RF (facing 9:00)
3&4Step RF to R side, close LF next to RF, step RF to R side
5&6Cross rock LF over RF, recover onto RF, step LF to L side
7-8Roll hips to the L and back, continue to roll hips around in a circle finishing with weight on LF (anti clockwise hip roll)

B3: Samba diamond making a full turn
1&2Cross RF over LF, step diagonally back on LF, make a 1/4 turn R and step back on RF
3&4Cross LF behind RF, step diagonally forward on RF, make a 1/4 turn R and step LF to L side
5&6Cross RF over LF, step diagonally back on LF, make a 1/4 turn R and step back on RF,
7&8Cross LF behind RF, step diagonally forward on RF, make a 1/4 turn R and step LF to L side

B4: Syncopated cross stomps, 3/4 turn Volta L
1&2&Stomp RF across LF, recover onto LF, step RF to R side, stomp LF across RF
3&4Recover onto RF, step LF to L side, stomp RF across LF
5&6&Make a 1/4 turn L crossing LF over RF, Step R on ball next LF, make a 1/4 turn L crossing LF over RF, Step R on ball next LF
7&8Make a 1/4 turn L crossing LF over RF, Step R on ball next LF, step LF to L diagonal

C - 32 Counts
C1: Syncopated weave L, with knee pop, Syncopated weave R with foot push
1&2&Cross RF over LF, step LF to L side, cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side
3&4Close RF next to LF, pop both knees forward raising heels, lower heels
5&6&Cross LF over RF, step RF to R side, cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side
7&8Close LF next to RF, push RF out to R side, pull RF in (Dip R shoudler as you push out RF)

C2: Kick ball touch, heel twist, hip push, Heel switches, with Rock recover
1&2&Kick RF forward, close RF next to LF, touch L toe forward, twist L heel to L side
3&4Return heel to centre, Push L hip forward, return hips back to position
&5&6Step LF next to RF, touch R heel forward, step RF next to LF, touch L heel forward &7-8 Step LF next to RF, Rock forward on RF, recover onto LF
&7-8Step LF next to RF, Rock forward on RF, recover onto LF

C3: Syncopated Lock step back, Jump out in, Hip, shoulder, close, Hip, shoulder, close
1&2&Step diagonally back on RF, cross LF over RF, step back on RF, step diagonally back on LF making an 1/8 turn L
3&4Touch RF next to LF, jump both feet out, jump both feet in (facing 10:30)
5&6Touch RF to R side pushing hips to R, move shoulders over RF, touch LF next to RF
7&8Make a 1/4 turn L and touch LF to L side pushing hips to L, move shoulders over LF, touch RF next to LF making a 1/8 turn L (facing 12:00)

C4: Kick ball change, pivot 1/4 turn L, Boyband arm raise, 1/4 turn R
1&2Kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, step LF in place
3-4Step forward on RF, pivot a 1/4 turn L
5-7Bounce R heel as you raise up R hand to side (looking towards 12:00)
8Make a 1/4 turn R closing LF next to RF pulling R arm down

Hope you get the chance to enjoy this dance as much as we do.