Too Late
Linda McCormack (UK) - May 2015
Too Late - Ariana Savalas
Count in: 16 count intro
Info: 3 Restarts; 2 Tags (For the music edit details - contact Linda)
[1-8] Forward, rock, recover, behind, side, cross, 1/2, 1/2 sweep, cross rock, side, cross, 1/4, 1/4.
1,2&Forward R (1); rock forward LF (2); recover weight back onto RF (&);
3&4&LF behind R (3); RF to R side (&); cross LF over R (4); 1/2 over R shoulder stepping forward on RF (facing 6.00 wall) (&);
5,6&1/2 turn over R shoulder sweeping LF round (facing 12.00 wall) (5); cross rock LF over R (6); recover weight back onto RF (&);
7&8&LF to L side (7); cross RF over L (&); 1/4 turn stepping back on the LF (facing 3.00 wall) (8); 1/4 turn R stepping RF to R side (facing 6.00 wall) (&);
[9-16] Cross rocks x2, rock forward, recover, 1/4, cross, 1/4, 1/2, 1/2.
1,2&Cross rock LF over R (1); recover weight back onto RF (2); step LF next to R (&);
3,4&Cross rock RF over L (3); recover weight back onto LF (4); step RF next to L (&);
5,6&Rock forward on the LF (5); recover weight back onto RF (6); 1/4 to the L stepping LF to L side (&);
7&8&Cross RF over L (7); 1/4 turning stepping back on the LF (facing 6.00 wall) (&); 1/2 turn over R shoulder stepping forward on the RF (facing 12.00 wall) (8); 1/2 turn over R shoulder stepping back on the LF (facing 6.00 wall) (&);
[17-24] 1/4 basic, basic, skater steps x2, cross, 1/4, back rock.
1,2&1/4 turn R stepping RF to R side (1); rock LF back close behind R (2); cross RF slightly across L (&);
3,4&Step LF to L side (3); rock RF back close behind L (4); cross LF slightly across R (&);
5,6&Skate RF to R diagonal (5); skate LF to L diagonal (6);
7,8&Cross RF over L (7); 1/4 turn stepping back on the LF (&); step RF slightly back (8); forward L (&);
[25-32] 1/2, side, cross, 1/4 pivot, recover, forward, 1/2 pivot, recover, forward, 1/2, 1/2, forward.
1,2&1/2 turn stepping back on RF (1); step LF to L side (2); cross RF over L (&);
3,4&Stepping LF to L side pivot 1/4 turn R (3); recover weight onto RF (4); forward L (&):
5,6&Stepping forward on the RF pivot 1/2 turn over L shoulder (5); recover weight onto LF (6); forward R (&);
7,8&1/2 turn stepping back on the LF (7); 1/2 turn over R shoulder stepping forward on the RF (8); forward L (&);
Tag: Comes in end of wall 3 and wall 6
1,2Forward R (1); touch LF (2);
3,4&Forward L (3); rock back on RF (4); recover weight back onto LF (&);
Wall 2, dance up to count 28&, Restart dance facing 12.00 wall
Wall 5, dance up to count 16&, however finish the & as a ½ turn and not a 1/4, Restart dance facing 6.00 wall.
Wall 8, dance up to count 24&, Restart dance facing 12.00 wall