CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stefano Ciaccio

Stefano Ciaccio - Line Dance Chorégraphe
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Ciao, sono Stefano e sono nato nel 1984 nella bellissima cittá di Pescara. Ho iniziato a ballare le danze caraibiche all'etá di 16 anni. A 20 anni ho intrapreso le mie prime esperienze da insegnante, fino a quando, all'etá di 23 anni, ho aperto la mia scuola di ballo. Conoscevo e ascoltavo giá la musica country apprezzandola molto, ma non avrei mai pensato di potermi appassionare alle sue danze finché ho conosciuto il vasto mondo della country western dance e ho avuto il piacere di prendere parte con le mie coreografie alle esibizioni e alle competizioni. Ho iniziato ad insegnare questa disciplina nel 2015 e ho conseguito il diploma di maestro di country western dance.

Hi, my name is Stefano and I was born in 1984 in the beautiful resort city of Pescara (Abruzzo, Italy) I started dancing Caribbean dances at the age of sixteen. At twenty years old I began my first experiences as a dance teacher until, at the age of 23, I opened my dance school. I have always listened to country music and I have always loved it, but I would have never thought to be so enthusiastic of these dances until I met the wide world of country western dance and I had the pleasure to partecipate in performances and competitions with my coreographies. I started to teach this discipline in 2015 and I attained my diploma as a country western dance teacher.

Stefano Ciaccio has choreographed 21 dances, of which 3 have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Smile On Mine from December 2016, with their most recent stepsheet of I'll Wait in October 2021.

Recherche de Chorégraphe Stepsheets

Chorégraphe Stepsheets

I'll Wait  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - October 2021

    128 Compte    1 Mur    Phrased Intermediate / Advanced   Musique: 'Til You Can't - Cody Johnson

Ain't No Thang  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - November 2019

    32 Compte    2 Mur    Beginner   Musique: Ain't No Thang - Trea Landon

King's Day  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) & Stefano Civa (IT) - December 2018

    64 Compte    2 Mur    Intermediate   Musique: Her Miss Me Days Are Gone - Randall King

In The Stars  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - May 2018

    64 Compte    2 Mur    Phrased Improver   Musique: Wildfire - Seafret

Through The Sky  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - October 2017

    40 Compte    1 Mur    Intermediate   Musique: Goin' Through the Big D - Jimmy Buckley

Second Life  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - October 2017

    48 Compte    2 Mur    -   Musique: I'm Gonna Make You Love Me - Doc Walker : (CDbaby)

Susana City  David Villellas (IT), Stefano Ciaccio (IT), Montse Chafino (ES) & Sharon Angeloni (IT) - October 2017

    56 Compte    - Mur    Phrased Intermediate   Musique: Billy Yates - I Smell Smoke

Douglasville  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - June 2017

    130 Compte    1 Mur    Phrased Advanced   Musique: Douglasville (Doc Win band)

Sweet And Strong Woman  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - June 2017

    32 Compte    4 Mur    -   Musique: One Beer Can - Brad Paisley

My Daddy Was A Chevy Man  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - April 2017

    64 Compte    2 Mur    Improver   Musique: My Daddy Was a Chevy Man - Billy Yates

Valentine's Day  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) & Sharon Angeloni (IT) - February 2017

    32 Compte    - Mur    Beginner - Line / Contra   Musique: On vit sur l'amour - Brian Mallery

Rub A Dubbin' (Catalan country Style)  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - January 2017

    62 Compte    2 Mur    Base Intermediate   Musique: Rub-A-Dubbin - Ken Mellons

You Can  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - January 2017

32 Compte    4 Mur    Beginner   Musique: High Cotton - Lisa McHugh

I Don't Know (Catalan style)  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - January 2017

    34 Compte    4 Mur    Improver   Musique: I Don't Know - Shane Owens

If I Could Make a Livin'  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - January 2017

    74 Compte    2 Mur    Intermediate (Catalan country style)   Musique: If I Could Make a Living - Jim Devine

Just Dance  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - January 2017

    64 Compte    2 Mur    Intermediate   Musique: Just Dance - Johnny Brady

Travelling Shoes  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - December 2016

    72 Compte    2 Mur    Intermediate   Musique: Travelling Shoes - Robert Mizzell

Chain Drinkin  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - December 2016

    104 Compte    1 Mur    Intermediate   Musique: Chain Drinkin' - Cody Johnson

Monterey  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - December 2016

    32 Compte    2 Mur    Improver   Musique: Monterey - Dean Brody

She's With Me  Stefano Ciaccio (IT) - December 2016

    32 Compte    4 Mur    Improver   Musique: She's with Me - High Valley

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