danser1876@aol.comSite Web:
Pawtucket, Rhode IslandPays:
United StatesTéléphone:
(401) 722-5216Dee Miller has choreographed 2 dances, of which all have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Pdx from October 2007, with their most recent stepsheet of All That (P) also in October 2007.
All That (P) Dee Miller (USA) & Corinne Miller (USA)
40 Compte - Mur Partner Musique: You Walked In - Lonestar
Pdx Connie Baker, Gienna Bruey, John Elliott (USA), Patty Elliott, Jean Garr (USA), David Huserik, Sidney Huserik, Annette McLush, Jo Miller (USA), Gene Reck, Kathy Reck, Jim Thompson, Dee Miller (USA) & Dennis Miller (USA)
32 Compte 4 Mur - Musique: Unknown