CopperKnob Stepsheets

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We Live Once

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Phrased Intermediate
Glenda Silver (AUS) - August 2014
We Only Live Once - Shannon Noll
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Starts quick 8 beats on vocals - Seq: AAB, AAB, BBA, B, B, B, B PART A

PART A – 32 counts
Rock Right, Behind Side Cross
1, 2, 3&4Rock side right onto right, replace weight onto left step right behind left, step left to side & cross right over left.
Rock Left, Behind Side Cross
5, 6, 7&8Rock side left onto left, replace weight onto right. Step left behind right, step right to side & cross left over right.

Right Kick Ball Change x 2
1&2, 3&4Kick right forward, replace onto ball of right, replace weight onto left. Repeat.
Rock Forward, Right Coaster Step
5, 6, 7&8Rock forward on right, replace back onto left, step right back, step left together, step right forward.

Rock Left, Behind Side Cross
1, 2, 3&4Rock side left onto left, replace weight onto right, step left behind right, step right to side & cross left over right.
Rock Right, Behind Side Cross
5, 6, 7&8Rock side right onto right, replace weight onto left, step right behind left, step left to side & cross right over left.

Left Kick Ball Change x 2
1&2, 3&4Kick left forward, replace onto ball of left, replace weight onto right. Repeat,
Rock Left Forward, 1800 Left Shuffle
5, 6, 7&8Rock forward onto left, replace onto right, turn 1800 left, shuffle forward left, right, left.

PART B – 32 counts
Side Rock Cross Right, Side Rock Cross Left
1&2, 3&4Moving forward rock onto side right, replace weight onto left and cross right over left. Rock onto left side, replace weight onto right and cross left over right.
Rock Forward Right, 3600 Right Turn
5, 6, 7&8Rock forward onto right, replace weight onto left, turn 3600 over right shoulder right, left, right.

Rock Forward Left, Turn 2700 Left
1, 2, 3&4Rock forward onto left, replace weight onto right, turn 2700 over left shoulder left, right, left.
Side Shuffle Right, Rock Back
5&6, 7, 8Side shuffle to right side right, left, right ending with weight on right. Rock back on left and replace weight onto right.

Side Shuffle Left, Rock Back
1&2, 3,4Side shuffle to left side left, right, left ending with weight on left. Rock back on right and replace weight onto left.
Rock Forward Right, Back Left, Walk Back
5, 6, 7, 8Rock forward onto right, replace back onto left, walk back right, left.

Right Coaster Step Back, Pivot Turn Right
1&2, 3, 4Step right back, step left together, step right forward. Step forward on left and pivot 1800 right (weight on right)
Shuffle 1800 Right, Rock Back Left
5&6, 7, 8Continue turning over right shoulder 1800 shuffling back left, right, left. Rock back onto right and replace weight onto left.

To finish, dance first 28 beats of last sequence then shuffle forward left right left and walk forward right left.

Note: Thank you to Leanne for assistance with the sequence of the dance

Contact: Glenda Silver - 0427927019 - Email:

Last Update - 4th Sept 2014
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