Beginner waltz
Intro: 12 Count - CCW Rotation
[1-6] Twinkle Left, Weave to the left
1-3Cross left over right , step right to side, recover left
4-6Cross right over left, step left to side, step right behind
[7-12] Drag left, Drag Right
1-3Big step left, drag right next to left for two counts (slow drag)
4-6Big step right, drag left next to right for two counts (slow drag)
[13-18] Forward Waltz Box
1-3Step left forward, step right to side, step left together
4-6Step right back, step left to side, step right together
[19-24] Left Lunge, ¼ Left Turn, Right Lunge
1-3Step left forward slightly across right, recover right, ¼ left turn, step left to side
4-6Step right forward slightly across left, recover left, step right to side
Begin Again
TAG: Dance the first six walls and add a six count tag. (You will be facing the 6:00 wall.)
[1-6] Basic waltz forward and back
1-3Step left forward, right together, step left back
4-6Step right back, left together, step right forward
Restart dance
[1-6] Twinkle Left, Weave to the left
1-3Cross left over right , step right to side, recover left
4-6Cross right over left, step left to side, step right behind
[7-12] Drag left, Drag Right
1-3Big step left, drag right next to left for two counts (slow drag)
4-6Big step right, drag left next to right for two counts (slow drag)
[13-18] Forward Waltz Box
1-3Step left forward, step right to side, step left together
4-6Step right back, step left to side, step right together
[19-24] Left Lunge, ¼ Left Turn, Right Lunge
1-3Step left forward slightly across right, recover right, ¼ left turn, step left to side
4-6Step right forward slightly across left, recover left, step right to side
Begin Again
TAG: Dance the first six walls and add a six count tag. (You will be facing the 6:00 wall.)
[1-6] Basic waltz forward and back
1-3Step left forward, right together, step left back
4-6Step right back, left together, step right forward
Restart dance