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Dance All Night

( 1 Stimmen)
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Improver - Contra Fun
Steve Rutter (UK) & Claire Butterworth (UK) - June 2014
Dance All Night - Liv Marit Wedvik : (Album: Home Sweet Home)
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(16 Count Intro’).

NOTE: For Contra Lines, Begin Dance With Your Partner Opposite You, But Off-Set To Your Left Side.

Section 1- (Side Step, Toe Touch) x2, Left Lock Step, ½ Turn Left with Hitch.
1-2Step left to left side, touch right toe beside left.
3-4Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right.
5-6Step left forward, lock right behind left.
7-8Step forward on left, make a half turn left hitching right knee.
Note: As you do the left lock step you will pass your partner on your left hand side.

Section 2 - (Side Step, Toe Touch) x2, Right Lock Step, ½ Turn Right with Hitch.
1-2Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right.
3-4Step left to left side, touch right toe beside left.
5-6Step right forward, lock left behind right.
7-8Step forward on right, make a half turn right hitching left knee.
Note: As you do the right lock step you will pass your partner on your right hand side.

Section 3 – Rumba Box.
1-2Step left to left side, close right beside left.
3-4Step forward on left, Hold. (Passing your partner on your right hand side)
5-6Step right to right side, close left beside right.
7-8Step back on Right, Hold. (Passing your partner on your left hand side)

Section 4 – Left Vine with ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left with Hitch, Walk Back, Toe Touch.
1-2Step left to left side, cross right behind left.
3-4Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left, make a further quarter turn hitching right knee.
5-6Step back on right, Step back on left.
7-8Step back on right, touch left beside right.
Note: When walking back you will pass your partner on your left hand side and end facing the opposite side.

TAG 1 (4 Counts) – Danced at the End Of Walls 2, 6, 8 (The Same Side That You Began The Dance On!)
Then Again On Wall 11 (The Opposite Side That You Began The Dance On!)
Section 1 - (Side Step, Toe Touch x2).
1-2Step left to left side, touch right toe beside left.
3-4Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right.

TAG 2 (16 Counts) – Danced at the End Of Wall 4 (The Same Side That You Began The Dance On!)
Section 1- (Side Step, Toe Touch x2), Heel & Toe Swivels.
1-2Step left to left side, touch right toe beside left.
3-4Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right.
5Step left to left side.
6-8Swivel right heel in towards left, swivel right toe in towards left, swivel right heel in towards left.

Section 2 – Claps, Side Step, Heel & Toe Swivels.
1-2Clap right hand with your PARTNERS right hand, clap both YOUR OWN hands together.
3-4Clap left hand with your PARTNERS left hand, Clap both YOUR OWN hands together.
5Step right to right side.
6-8Swivel left heel in towards right, swivel left toe in towards right, swivel left heel in towards right.

Note: If You’re not dancing in Contra Lines, then just clap hands 4 times!
Enjoy And Have Loads Of Fun!!


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