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Boppin' In A Red Dress (Rooi Rok Bokkie)

( 1 Stimmen)
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Martie Papendorf (SA) & Tina Chen Sue-Huei (TW) - June 2014
Rooi Rok Bokkie (Kort Rokkie Mix) - Die Campbells
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Start: Optional 32 count pre-dance:
“Kort Rokkie Mix” track - start on instrumental after “Ah Ah Ah” - 5 sec. from start of track:

Main dance starts on vocals, after 32 counts, starting count from just after “Ah Ah Ah” [ 5 sec. from start of track.]
iTunes track - Pre-dance starts just after the counts “1,2,3,4” at start of track on the iTunes recording.

Optional 32 count pre-dance:
P1: Toe, Heel, Fwd shuffle, Rock fwd back, Back shuffle
1,2Touch R toe next to L [knee turned in], Touch R heel next to L,
3&4Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd,
5,6Rock L fwd, Recover R back,
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L back [12.00]

P2: Back shuffle, Coaster step, Fwd, Pivot ½ left, Fwd shuffle
1&2Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R back,
3&4Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd,
5,6Step R fwd, Make a pivot turn ½ left [weight to L], [6.00]
7&8Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd [6.00]

P3: Toe, Heel, Fwd shuffle, Rock fwd back, Back shuffle
1,2Touch L toe next to R [knee turned in], Touch L heel next to R,
3&4Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd,
5,6Rock R fwd, Recover L back,
7&8Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R back [6.00]

P4: Back shuffle, Coaster step, Fwd, Pivot ½ right, Fwd shuffle
1&2Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L back,
3&4Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd,
5,6Step L fwd, Make a pivot turn ½ right [weight to R], [12.00]
7&8Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd [12.00]

Footwork of main dance:
#1: Fwd, Side ¼ left, Cross shuffle, Side, Fwd ¼ right, Fwd shuffle
1,2Step R fwd, Making a ¼ turn left stepping L to left side, [9.00]
3&4Step R across L, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
5,6Step L to left side, Turn ¼ right and step R fwd, [12.00]
7&8Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd [12.00]

#2: Rock fwd back, Hitch jump, Step, Rocking chair
1,2Rock R fwd, Recover back onto L,
3,4Jump R fwd hitching L behind, Step L fwd,
5,6Rock R fwd, Recover back onto L,
7,8Rock R back, Recover L fwd [12.00]

#3: Touch R, Step, &, Side, Touch, Touch L, Step, &, Side, Touch
1,2Touch R to right side, Step R to right side,
&3,4Step L next to R, Step R to right side, Touch L to R,
5,6Touch L to left side, Step L to left side,
&7,8Step R next to L, Step L to left side, Touch R to L [12.00]

#4: Rocking chair, Monterey ¼ right
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Rock R back, Recover L fwd,
5,6Point R to right side, Step R next to L making a ¼ turn right, [3.00]
7,8Point L to left side, Step L next to R
TAG added here during wall 1 & 3, both facing 3.00

#5: Rock R L, Cross shuffle, Rock L R, Cross shuffle
1,2Rock R to right side, Recover L to left side,
3&4Step R across L, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
5,6Rock L to left side, Recover R to right side,
7&8Step L across R, Step R to right side, Step L across R [3.00]

#6: Fwd, Lock, &, Shuffle fwd, Skate R L, Fwd shuffle
1,2Step R to right diagonal, Lock L behind R,
&3&4Step R in place, Step L to left diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L to left diagonal,
5,6Skate R fwd, Skate L fwd,
7&8Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd [3.00]

#7: Rock fwd back, Lockstep back, Fwd, 1¼ hookturn left, Fwd shuffle
1,2Rock L fwd, Recover back onto R,
3&4Step L back, Lock R across L, Step L back,
5,6Step R fwd, Make a 1¼ turn left hooking L across R, [12.00]
7&8Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd [12.00]

#8: R cross, Back, Side, L cross, Back, Side, Paddle ¼ left 2x
1&2Rock R across L, Recover back to L, Step R to right side,
3&4Rock L across R, Recover back to R, Step L to left side,
5,6Step R fwd, Make a paddle turn ¼ left stepping L to left side,[9.00]
7,8Step R fwd, Make a paddle turn ¼ left stepping L to left side [6.00]
TAG added after wall 4, facing 12.00.


Tag added after sec. 4, during wall 1 & 3 facing 3.00 and after wall 4 facing 12.00.
Side, Touch, Side, Touch
1,2Step R to right side, Touch L to R,
3,4Step L to left side, Touch R to L

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