Phrased High Beginner
Dance Sequence: AAA \ BBBB \ AAA* \ BBBB
Intro: 6X8 Counts from heave beat in music ( 36 sec )
Part A: 4X8 Counts
[1-8] Toe strut R, Toe strut L, Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold
1234Touch right toe to right, step right heel down, touch left toe cross right, step left heel down
5678Rock right to right side, recover on left, cross right over left, hold
Hand Option: Snap your fingers two times on 1-4 counts
[2-8] Toe strut L, Toe strut R, Rock, Pivot 1/4 Turn R, Fwd, Hold
1234Touch left toe to left, step left heel down, touch right toe cross left, step right heel down
5678Rock left to left side, pivot 1/4 turn R, step left forward, hold (3:00)
[3-8] Vine R, Side, Touch Diagonal , Side, Touch Diagonal
1234Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5678Step right to right side, touch left diagonal R, step left to left side, touch right diagonal L
[4-8] Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn Back, Touch, 1/4 Turn Side\Sway, Touch, Side\Sway, Touch
1234Step right to right side, touch left together, 1/4 turn R step left back, touch right together (6:00)
56781/4 Turn R step\sway right to right side, touch left together, step\sway left to left side, touch right together (9:00)
Part B: 4X8 Counts
[1-8] Side, Hold, Side, Hold, Heel Swivel, Return, Heel Swivel, Return
1234Step right to right side, hold, step left to left side, hold
5678Swivel right heel inwards, return right heel weight on right, swivel left heel inwards, return left heel weight on left ( when you do 5678, rock your body from left to right)
[2-8] Back, Together, Fwd Diagonal, Fwd Diagonal, Heel Swivel, Return, Heel Swivel, Return
1234Step right back, step left together, step right forward digonal R, step left forward digonal L
5678Swivel right heel inwards, return right heel weight on right, swivel left heel inwards, return left heel weight on left ( when you do 5678, rock your body from left to right)
[3-8] Cross, Recover, 1/4 Turn R, Hold, Fwd Shuffle, Hold
1234Cross right over left, recover on left, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward, hold
5678Step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward, hold (3:00)
[4-8] Point, Hitch, Point, Hold, 1/4 Turn Sailor Step, Together
1234Point right to right side, hitch right heel, point right to right side, hold
5678Cross right behind left, 1/2 turn R stepping left together, step right forward, step left together (9:00)
Hand Option: right hand clenched at above , from head to right side two times on 1-4 counts
A* 40 Counts ( 4-8 counts Part A is repeat twice, end face to 12:00)
Special thanks to Rose-Zhang suggest the music
Contact: Linedance @
Last Update - 19th June 2014
Intro: 6X8 Counts from heave beat in music ( 36 sec )
Part A: 4X8 Counts
[1-8] Toe strut R, Toe strut L, Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold
1234Touch right toe to right, step right heel down, touch left toe cross right, step left heel down
5678Rock right to right side, recover on left, cross right over left, hold
Hand Option: Snap your fingers two times on 1-4 counts
[2-8] Toe strut L, Toe strut R, Rock, Pivot 1/4 Turn R, Fwd, Hold
1234Touch left toe to left, step left heel down, touch right toe cross left, step right heel down
5678Rock left to left side, pivot 1/4 turn R, step left forward, hold (3:00)
[3-8] Vine R, Side, Touch Diagonal , Side, Touch Diagonal
1234Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5678Step right to right side, touch left diagonal R, step left to left side, touch right diagonal L
[4-8] Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn Back, Touch, 1/4 Turn Side\Sway, Touch, Side\Sway, Touch
1234Step right to right side, touch left together, 1/4 turn R step left back, touch right together (6:00)
56781/4 Turn R step\sway right to right side, touch left together, step\sway left to left side, touch right together (9:00)
Part B: 4X8 Counts
[1-8] Side, Hold, Side, Hold, Heel Swivel, Return, Heel Swivel, Return
1234Step right to right side, hold, step left to left side, hold
5678Swivel right heel inwards, return right heel weight on right, swivel left heel inwards, return left heel weight on left ( when you do 5678, rock your body from left to right)
[2-8] Back, Together, Fwd Diagonal, Fwd Diagonal, Heel Swivel, Return, Heel Swivel, Return
1234Step right back, step left together, step right forward digonal R, step left forward digonal L
5678Swivel right heel inwards, return right heel weight on right, swivel left heel inwards, return left heel weight on left ( when you do 5678, rock your body from left to right)
[3-8] Cross, Recover, 1/4 Turn R, Hold, Fwd Shuffle, Hold
1234Cross right over left, recover on left, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward, hold
5678Step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward, hold (3:00)
[4-8] Point, Hitch, Point, Hold, 1/4 Turn Sailor Step, Together
1234Point right to right side, hitch right heel, point right to right side, hold
5678Cross right behind left, 1/2 turn R stepping left together, step right forward, step left together (9:00)
Hand Option: right hand clenched at above , from head to right side two times on 1-4 counts
A* 40 Counts ( 4-8 counts Part A is repeat twice, end face to 12:00)
Special thanks to Rose-Zhang suggest the music
Contact: Linedance @
Last Update - 19th June 2014