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Windy City Waltz (愛的華爾滋) (zh)

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High Intermediate - Viennese waltz
Simon Ward (AUS), Ria Vos (NL) & Darren Bailey (UK) - 2012年10月
I Love You - Faith Hill : (Album: Faith - iTunes)
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Dance starts 48 counts into track, approx 17secs

第一段 Left forward basic ½ turn L, Right back basic ½ turn L
1-3Large step left forward, Step in place right, left while making a ½ turn left 6.00
 左足前一大步, 右足踏, 左轉180度左足踏(面向6點鐘)
4-6Large step right back, Step in place left, right while making a ½ turn left 12.00
 右足後一大步, 左足踏, 左轉180度右足踏(面向12點鐘)

第二段 Rock L fwd, hold, hold, Rock R back, hold, hold
1-3Rock/step left forward, Hold, Hold
 左足前下沉, 候, 候
4-6Recover weight back on right (open right shoulder and turn body slightly right), Hold, Hold 12.00
 右足回復(身體略右轉), 候, 候(面向12點鐘)

第三段 ¼ L sweeping R, R twinkle
1-3Step left forward making a ¼ turn left, Sweep right counter/clockwise for 2 counts 9.00
 左轉90度左足前踏, 右足以2拍繞向前
4-6Cross/step right over left, Rock/step left to left side, Recover weight onto right (twinkle styling)
 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左下沉, 右足回復(華士步)

第四段 L Twinkle, Cross weave left
1-3Cross/step left over right, Rock/step right to right side, Recover weight onto left (twinkle styling)
 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右下沉, 左足回復(華士步)
4-6Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side, Step right behind left 9.00
 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏(9點鐘)

第五段 Step L side, Drag R, Step R side, Drag L
1-3Step left to left side, Drag right towards left for 2 counts
 左足左踏, 右足以2拍拖併
4-6Step right to right side, Drag left towards right for 2 counts 9.00
 右足右踏, 左足以2拍拖併

第六段 Step on L turning ¾ turn L, Raise knee & Hold, Rock R fwd, Hold, Hold
1-3Step left to left side turning ¼ turn left, Make a further ½ turn left raising right knee, Hold 12.00
 左轉90度左足左踏, 左轉180度右膝抬, 候(面向12點鐘)
4-6Rock/step right forward, Hold, Hold
 右足前下沉, 候, 候

第七段 Rock L back sweeping right, Back R twinkle
1-3Recover weight back on left sweeping right clockwise for 2 counts and behind left 12.00
 左足回復, 右足以2拍繞至後(面向12點鐘)
4-6Step right behind left, Rock/step left to left side, Recover weight onto right (twinkle style travelling back) 12.00
 右足於左足後交叉踏, 左足左下沉, 右足回復(後華士步)(面向12點鐘)

第八段 Back L twinkle, Step R back dragging L
1-3Step left behind right, Rock/step right to right side, Recover weight onto left (twinkle style travelling back)
 左足於右足後交叉踏, 右足右下沉, 左足回復(後華士步)
4-6Step right back dragging left towards right for 2 counts (open right shoulder and turn body slightly right) 12.00
 右足後踏, 左足以2拍拖併(身體略轉向右) (面向12點鐘)

*** Restart on Wall 4 here facing back wall.***
第四面牆跳至此, 面向後面牆, 從頭起跳

第九段 Step L fwd dragging R, Step R fwd dragging L
1-3Stride/step left forward dragging right towards left for 2 counts (large step forward)
 左足前一大步, 右足以2拍拖併
4-6Stride/step right forward dragging left towards right for 2 counts (large step forward) 12.00
 右足前一大步, 左足以2拍拖併(面向12點鐘)

第十段 Step L fwd dragging R, Cross/rock R, Recover L, Step R
1-3Stride/step left forward dragging right towards left for 2 counts (large step forward)
 左足前一大步, 右足以2拍拖併
4-6Cross/rock right over left, Recover weight back on left, Step right slightly to right side 12.00
 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足回復, 右足略右踏(面向12點鐘)

第十一段 Cross/step L, Spiral turn R, Rock R to R, Hold, Hold
1-3Cross/step left over right, Spiral full turn right on left for 2 counts 12.00
 左足於右足前交叉踏, 重心在左足以2拍右螺旋轉(面向12點鐘)
4-6Rock/step right to right side, Hold, Hold 12.00
 右足右下沉, 候, 候(面向12點鐘)

第十二段 ½ turn L sweeping R, R twinkle fwd
1-3Recover weight onto left turning ¼ turn left, Sweep right counter-clockwise making a ¼ turn left 6.00
 左轉90度左足回復, 左轉90度右足以2拍繞至前(面向6點鐘)
4-6Cross/step right over left, Rock/step left to left side, Recover weight onto right (twinkle style travelling forward)
 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足左下沉, 右足回復(華士步)

第十三段 Cross/step L sweeping right, R twinkle fwd
1-3Cross/step left over right and slightly forward, Sweep right counter-clockwise for 2 counts 6.00
 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足以2拍繞至前(面向6點鐘)
4-6Cross/step right over left, Rock/step left to left side, Recover weight onto right (twinkle style travelling forward)
 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足左下沉, 右足回復(華士步)

第十四段 Cross/step L sweeping R, Cross/step R, Raise L knee into position 4, Hold
1-3Cross/step left over right and slightly forward, Sweep right counter-clockwise for 2 counts 6.00
 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足以2拍繞至前(面向6點鐘)
4-6Cross/step right over left and slightly forward, Raise & bend left knee into position 4 next to right, Hold
 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左膝靠右小腿呈數字4, 候

第十五段 L twinkle ¼ turn L, Cross/rock R, Hold, Hold
1-3Cross/step left slightly over right, Step onto right making a ¼ turn left, Step left to left side 3.00
 左足於右足前交叉踏, 左轉90度右足踏, 左足左踏(面向3點鐘)
4-6Cross/rock right over left, Hold, Hold 3.00
 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 候, 候(面向3點鐘)

第十六段 Rock L back sweeping right back into ¼ turn R, Rock R back, Hold, Hold
1-3Recover weight onto left sweeping right back into ¼ turn right for 2 counts 6.00
 左足回復, 右轉90度右足以2拍繞至後
4-6Rock/step right back, Hold, Hold (open right shoulder up and turn body slightly right) 6.00
 右足後踏, 候, 候(身體略轉向右)

Bridge Notes:On Wall 7 you will modify the dance to perform the bridge, this happens after count 36:
34-36 Rock/step right forward, Hold, Hold (facing back wall)
Then proceed with the bridge (hit the breaks of the music):
第七面牆跳至第34-36拍(右足前踏, 候, 候, 面向後面牆)時, 配合音樂節奏改跳下列舞步

37-39Recover weight back on left, make 1/2 turn right & step right forward, step left forward
(Bridge 1-3)左足後回復, 右轉180度右足前踏, 左足前踏
40-42Point right toe to right, Hold, Hold
(Bridge 4-6)右足趾右點, 候, 候
43-45Hold, Stretch right arm forward, Stretch left arm forward
(Bridge 7-9)候, 右手向前伸直, 左手向前伸直
46-48Pull arms towards body slowly taking weight onto right
(Bridge 10-12)雙手慢慢放下, 重心在在右腳

Continue dance from count 49 (Stride steps forward)

Styling Tips:
* It might help using a 1&a2&a rolling count to assist with the timing
* Really step out the first 6 counts, use the last count of the dance to prep and push off into the beginning
* Use your arms, feels great
* Emphasize all the drags
* Travel on the twinkles
* Big strides fwd on counts 49-57
* Let your body naturally turn while dancing
* Hit the breaks of the music in the bridge
* Turn to the front wall on count 13 to end the dance
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