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Paul James (UK) & David-Ian Blakeley (UK) - February 2014
When the Right One Comes Along (feat. Clare Bowen & Sam Palladio) - Nashville Cast : (Album: The Music of Nashville: Original Sound Track - Season 1 Volume 1 - iTunes)
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Count in: 16 Counts - Phrasing: A, A, B, A, B, Tag, A, A.

Part A - 32 counts
[1 - 8] Step to R with slow drag of L foot, Cross unwind 3/4 turn, Step forward L, 3/4 turn over L, Nightclub basic L
1, 2, 3Take a large step to the right (1), Drag left foot towards right for two counts (2, 3)
4 & 5Cross left over right (4), Unwind 3/4 turn (9 o'clock) over right shoulder taking weight on to right (&) Step forward on left foot (5)
6, 7Make 1/4 turn (6 o'clock) left stepping right to right (6), Make 1/2 turn (12 o'clock) left stepping left to left side (7)
8&Step right next to left (8), cross left over right (&)

[9 - 16] Step R to R, Small sweep L Behind R, Side, Cross rock L, Recover R, Side cross rock R, Recover L, Side, Cross unwind 3/4 (Weight ending on R) Walks F x 2
1, 2Step right foot to right side (1), Slightly sweep left foot behind right taking weight (2)
& 3Step right to right (&), Cross rock left foot over right (3)
4 & 5Recover on to right foot (4), Step left to left (&) Rock right over left (5)
& 6Recover on left foot (&), Step right to right side (6)
& 7Cross left over right foot (&), Unwind 3/4 turn (9 o'clock) over right shoulder weight ending on right (7)
8 &Walk forward left (8), Walk forward right (&)

[17 - 24] Nightclub basics x 2 (Diagonal L+R), Step L (Diagonal) 1/2 turn over R stepping onto R, Step onto L making a full pirouette over R.
1, 2 &Step left diagonally forward (1), Step right next to left (2), Cross left over right (&)
3, 4 &Step right diagonally forward (3), Step left next to right (4), Cross right over left (&)
5, 6Step diagonally back on left foot (5), Make 1/2 turn (3 o'clock) over right shoulder (6)
7, 8Step slightly forward on left (7), with weight on left foot spin a full turn over right lifting right foot and slightly turning right knee out (3 o'clock) (8)

[25 - 32] Step back R, 1/4 turn L stepping L, Cross, Unwind 1/2 over L (Weight ending on both feet) Unwind full turn over R sweeping R, Behind, Side, Front, Walks x 2 making 1/2 turn over R, Cross.
& 1Step back on right foot (&), make 1/4 turn (12 o'clock) left stepping left to left side (1)
2, 3Cross right over left (2), unwind 1/2 turn (6 o'clock) over left shoulder (3)
(You've made 1/2 turn to face the 6 o'clock wall, this is your prep for the next count so feet should be slightly crossed)
4, 5Unwind a full turn (6 o'clock) over right shoulder sweeping right foot out and around back of left (4), Step right foot behind left (5)
& 6Step left foot next to right (&), Step right foot forward (6)
7, 8 &Making 1/4 turn (9 o'clock) turn right step forward on left foot (7), Making 1/4 turn (12 o'clock) turn right step forward on right foot (8), Cross left foot over right (&)

Part B - 32 counts
[1 - 8] R sweep, Cross, Step L to L , 1/2 turn R stepping R, Cross rock recover, Step L, Cross, 1/4 turn R stepping back L, Walks back x 2.
1, 2Sweep right out and around in front of left (1), Cross right over left (2)
& 3Step left to left side (&), Make 1/2 turn (6 o'clock) over right shoulder stepping right to right side (3)
4, 5Cross rock left over right (4), Recover on to right foot (5)
6, 7 &Step left to left (6), Cross right over left (7), Make 1/4 turn (9 o'clock) right stepping back on left foot (&)
8 &Walk back right (8), Walk back left (&)

[9 - 17] 1/4 turn slow rock R, 1/4 recover L, Walks forward x 2, Full turn in Attitude over L, Step R down, Nightclub basic L
1, 2, 3Make 1/4 turn (12 o'clock) right rocking right to right side (1, 2) Make 1/4 turn (9 o'clock) left recovering weight on to left (3)
4 &Step forward on right foot (4), Step forward on left foot (&)
5, 6With weight on left foot make a full turn over left lifting right leg behind you with a slight bend in the knee (5, 6)
7, 8 & 1Step down on right foot next to left (7), Step left to left side (8), Step right next to left (&), Cross left foot over right (1)

[18 - 2 Nightclub basic R, Step back L, 1/4 turn R stepping R, Cross rock recover, Nightclub basic L.
2 & 3Step right foot to right side (2), Step left foot next to right (&), Cross right over left (3)
4, 5Step back on left foot (4), Make 1/4 turn (12 o'clock) right stepping right to right (5)
6 &Cross rock left over right (6), recover on to right (&)
7, 8 &Take a large step to left (7), Step right next to left (8), Cross left over right (&)

[25 - 32] Nightclub basics x 4 in a diamond pattern.
1, 2 &Step right diagonally back so you're facing 10 o'clock (1), Step left next to right (2), Step right in place (&)
3, 4 &Step left diagonally forward so you're facing 8 o'clock (3), Step right next to left (4), Step left in place (&)
5, 6 &Step right diagonally back so you're facing 4 o'clock (5), Step left next to right (6), Step right in place (&)
7, 8 &Step left diagonally forward so you're facing 2 o'clock (7), Step right next to left (8), Cross left over right (&)
(On counts 8 & you will need to square up with the 12 o'clock wall ready to start section A or the Tag)

TAG: Step R slow drag L to R, Step L to L rocking and swaying L R L, slow drag R to L.
1Step right to right whilst dragging left towards right (don't put weight on to left foot) (1)
2 & 3Rock Left to left (2), Rock right to right (&), recover weight on to left (3) (sway upper body whilst doing rocks)
4Drag right to left (once again don't put weight on the foot you're dragging as you'll be starting Part A with that right foot) (4)

NOTE - The music slows down the last time A is danced. You need to adapt and interpret the choreography with the music.
Instead of syncopating the second 'rock recover' in the second set of 8 (counts 9 - 16) dance it on single counts.
Then on the '& cross unwind 3/4 turn' hold on to the counts making sure you're ready to walk forward when the guitar comes back in.
And dance through to the end.

End of Dance – Happy Dancing

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