CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stand By Me For Two (P)

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Jean Beets (DE) & Rens Koning - February 2014
Stand By Me - Ben E. King
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Based on the Line dance Stand by Me by Liz Clarke.

Also: Stand by me Scooter Lee

Starting sweetheart position.

Right Box Step Hold, Step ¼ Left, Right, Left Hold
1-4Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right back, hold 1 count
5-8Step left ¼ left, step right behind left, step left forward, hold 1 count

Slow Coaster Step Hold, Slow Coaster step back, Sweep
Loose left hands, lift right hands
1-4Step right forward, Step left beside right, Step right behind, hold 1 count
Left Hand holds left hand follower
5-8Step back left, step right beside left, step forward left, sweep right foot from back to front (over 1 count).

Jazz Box ¼ right Touch, Turn ¼ right large step left Hold, Rock back, Recover
1-4Cross right over left, step back left, step right ¼ right, touch left beside right
5-8Keep weight on ball of right foot, spin ¼ right at the same time taking large step to left, hold 1 count, cross rock back right, recover on left
During 5-8 let left hands go hand hold right hands before body leader, who is staying at the right side of the follower.

Step ¼ right hold, step pivot ½ right, turn ¼ right, Grapevine left
1-4Step right ¼ right hold 1 count, step forward left, pivot ½ turn right ( weight on right)
Right hands are going up.
5-8Keep weight on ball right foot, spin ¼ right at the same time step left to left, right cross behind left, step left to left, touch right beside left.
Leader is changing behind follower to the left side and taking sweetheart Position again.

Is doing the same steps except :
Section 2: Counts 1-4: Step Pivot Step (Full turn left)
Step forward right, turn 1/2 turn left (weight on left foot), step forward right, turn ½ turn left (weight on right), hold 1 count

Section 4: Step right 1/8 Hold, Rock Step, Step Left Bumping left, right, left Touch
1-4Step right 1/8 right, Hold 1 count, Rock Left Forward, Recover on right
5-8Step left to left, bumping hip to left, right. Left, touch right foot beside left

Option for couples of the same sex:
At the end of each sequel you can change rolls.
Therefore during the last 4 counts Leader is staying at the right side of Follower and is doing hip bumps instead of the grapevine. And taking Sweetheart Position as being the follower


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