Phrased Beginner
Dance begins with Alyssa’s singing after 32 counts
Sequence: (A, B, C, AA, B, C, AA, B, C)
Part A (32 counts)
Section A1: Walk forward (3 times), and touch, walk backward (3 times) & touch
1234Walk right forward, walk left forward, walk right forward, touch left to side
5678Walk back left, right, left, touch right to side
Section A2: Cross Point (2 times) and Back point (2 times)
1234Cross right over left, touch left to side, Cross left over right, touch right to side
5678Step right foot back and point left foot to left side, Step left foot back and point right foot to right side
Section A3: V step (2 times)
12Roll right foot out to right side and roll left foot to left side
34Step right foot back to centre and step left foot close to right foot
Section A4: Side touch (4 times)
1234Step right foot to right, touch left foot next to right, step left foot to left and touch right foot next to left
Part B (Chorus: we are stars -32 counts)
Section B1: Knees bounce with fists up and down
1234Bounce both knees, right arm up and down while holding fist
5678Bounce both knees, left arm up and down while holding fist
Section B2: Arms roll (4 times)
1-8both fists up and roll both arms up
Section B3: same as Section B1
Section B4: Arms roll with paddle turn (4 times)
1-8Cross both fists up and roll both arms up and at the same time doing a hip roll with a quarter turn
Part C (Chorus: oh, oh oh - 32 counts)
Sections C1 & C2
1-4both hands doing the fox dance moves to the right
5-8both hands doing the fox dance moves to the left
Sections C3 & C4
1-8Roll hands to the right from centre down & up
1-8Roll hands to the left from centre down & up……..
When music finishes… both arms out !
Sequence: (A, B, C, AA, B, C, AA, B, C)
Part A (32 counts)
Section A1: Walk forward (3 times), and touch, walk backward (3 times) & touch
1234Walk right forward, walk left forward, walk right forward, touch left to side
5678Walk back left, right, left, touch right to side
Section A2: Cross Point (2 times) and Back point (2 times)
1234Cross right over left, touch left to side, Cross left over right, touch right to side
5678Step right foot back and point left foot to left side, Step left foot back and point right foot to right side
Section A3: V step (2 times)
12Roll right foot out to right side and roll left foot to left side
34Step right foot back to centre and step left foot close to right foot
Section A4: Side touch (4 times)
1234Step right foot to right, touch left foot next to right, step left foot to left and touch right foot next to left
Part B (Chorus: we are stars -32 counts)
Section B1: Knees bounce with fists up and down
1234Bounce both knees, right arm up and down while holding fist
5678Bounce both knees, left arm up and down while holding fist
Section B2: Arms roll (4 times)
1-8both fists up and roll both arms up
Section B3: same as Section B1
Section B4: Arms roll with paddle turn (4 times)
1-8Cross both fists up and roll both arms up and at the same time doing a hip roll with a quarter turn
Part C (Chorus: oh, oh oh - 32 counts)
Sections C1 & C2
1-4both hands doing the fox dance moves to the right
5-8both hands doing the fox dance moves to the left
Sections C3 & C4
1-8Roll hands to the right from centre down & up
1-8Roll hands to the left from centre down & up……..
When music finishes… both arms out !