CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Me U and The Music

( 59 Stimmen)
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Intermediate / Advanced
Darren Bailey (UK) & Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - January 2014
Me U and the Music (Lemar)
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Note: 2 Restarts (walls 2,4), 1 Tag (end of wall 3)
Intro: 16 counts, start on the word MOVE

Start with feet shoulder width apart.

Glide to L, pivot 1/2 turn Lx2.
1-2Step Rf next to Lf (pushing Lf to L side), Step Lf to L side.
3-4Step Rf next to Lf (pushing Lf to L side), Step Lf to L side.
5-6Step forward on Rf, pivot 1/2 turn L
7-8Step forward on Rf, pivot 1/2 turn L

Diagonal C bumps to R, L, Rock, Recover, Close, Touch back, 1/2 turn L.
1&2Touch Rf to R diagonal and bump hip up to R, return weight to Lf, bump R hip down taking weight onto Rf
3&4Touch Lf to L diagonal and bump hip up to L, return weight to Rf, bump L hip down taking weight onto Lf
5-6Rock forward on Rf, recover onto Lf
&7-8Close Rf next to Lf, point Lf back, make a 1/2 turn L taking weight onto Lf

Skate R, Skate L, Close, Chest pop, Back R, Back L, Side R, Close.
1-2Step Rf to R diagonal, step Lf to L diagonal
3&4CLose Rf next to Lf, Pop chest forward, return chest to normal position
5-6Step back on Rf to R diagonal, step back on Lf to L diagonal
7-8Step Rf to R side, close Lf next to Rf

Flick Heel R, L, R, R, Jazz box with 1/4 turn R.
1&2&Keeping toes on floor flick R heel to R side, twist R heel in to position taking weight, Keeping toes on floor flick L heel to L side, twist L heel in to position taking weight.
3&4Keeping toes on floor flick R heel to R side, twist R heel in to position, Keeping toes on floor flick R heel to R side
5-6Cross Rf over Lf, step back on Lf
7-8Make a 1/4 turn R and step Rf to R side, close Lf next to Rf

In the shape of a diamond, Slide, touch, R, L, R, L,
1-2Step Rf to R diaganol, touch Lf next to Rf and make a 1/8 turn L
3-4Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf to L diaganol, touch Rf next to Lf
5-6Make a 1/4 turn L and step Rf to R diaganol, touch Lf next to Rf
7-8Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf to L diagonal, touch Rf next to Lf making a 1/8 turn L

Heel switches, R, L, R, Double knee pop, Touch R heel, Close, Step L, Heel twist x2, Kick R diagonal
1&2&Touch R heel forward, close Rf next to Lf, touch L heel forward, close Lf next to Rf
3&4Step Rf forward, pop both knees forward (rasing heels from floor), Lower heels taking weight back onto Lf
5&6Touch R heel forward, close Rf next to Lf, step forward on Lf
7&8Twist R heel toward L heel, twist L heel slightly L making 1/4 turn R, Kick Rf to R diagonal
(Restart here on Walls, 2 facing 3 o'clock and 4 facing 6 o'clock)

Cross, Side, Syncopated weave L, Rock, Recover, Triple Turn L
1-2Cross Rf infront of Lf flicking Lf up Behind Rf, step Lf to L side grinding R heel
3&4Cross Rf behind Lf, step Lf to L side, cross Rf infront of Lf
5-6Rock Lf to L side, recover onto Rf
7&8Make a full turn L stepping L, R, L

Side R, Camel walks with 1/4 turn R, Rock, Recover, Out R, Out L, Drag.
1-2Step Rf to R side, cross Lf behind Rf popping R knee forward
3-4Make a 1/4 turn R and step forward on Rf popping L knee forward, step forward on Lf popping R knee forward
5-6Rock forward on Rf, recover onto Lf
&7-8Step Rf to R side, step Lf to L side, drag Rf towards Lf

Tag: Add Tag at end of wall 3.
1-2Raise R hand to R shoulder level palm facing forward, Raise L hand to L shoulder level palm facing forward
3&4Rotate palm inwards and in a wave motion cross hands moving upwards, Uncross hands, Cross hands to opposite sides plam facing out
5-6Pull both hands down to shoulder level, Prep body to R
7-8Make a full turn on LF, Place Rf next to Lf ready to start dance (Returning hands to normal position)


Kels January 21, 2014
Love this dance another smasher from Darren and Fred well done boys keep them comin

DancingQueen February 4, 2014
I'm really enjoying this dance. Takes a bit to get, but it's worth the effort!

SteveDaHat April 29, 2014
Agree with comments so far...this dance is great!! This fab dance should go far, I couldn't reccomend it enough:-)

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