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Bitter & Sweet

( 3 Stimmen)
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Easy Novice
Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - December 2013
Blue Bittersweet - Ilse DeLange
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Start dancing at (05 sec).

[1-8] Step, 1/4 R, Side, Coaster Step R, Big step Fwd, 1/2 Sweep Turn L, Lock Step Fwd.
1-2Step Rt Fwd, turn 1/4 right (3) step Lt to the left.
3&4Step Rt back, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt Fwd.
5-6Step Lt big Fwd, turn 1/2 left (9) sweep Rt from font to front.
7&8Step Rt Fwd, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt Fwd.

[9-16] Side Rock, Recover, Sailor Turn 1/4 R, Fwd Point, Knee Lift, R Anchor Step.
1-2Rock Lt to the left, Recover on Rt.
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, turn 1/4 right (12) step Rt to the right, step Lt Fwd.
5-6Point Rt Fwd, lift R Knee up.
7&8Locked Rt behind Lf take weight on Rt, Recover on Lt, Recover on Rt.

[17-24] Back, Sweep R, Back, Sweep L, L Anchor Step, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-2Step Lt back, Sweep Rt from front to back.
3-4Step Rt back, Sweep Lt from front to back.
5&6Locked Lt behind Rf take weight on Lt, Recover on Rt, Recover on Lt.
7-8Walk Rt Fwd, walk Lt fwd. (12:00)

[25-32] Fwd Rock, Recover, 1/4 R, & Cross, Hold, & Heel, Hold, & Heel, Hold.
1-2Rock Rt Fwd, Recover on Lt.
&3-4Turn 1/4 right (3) step Rt slightly to the right, cross Lt over Rt, Hold.
&5-6Step Rt slightly diagonal back, bring L heel fwd, Hold (holding weight onto Rt).
&7-8Step Lt slightly diagonal back, bring R heel fwd, Hold (holding weight onto Lt).

[33-40] Step, 1/4 R, Side, Coaster Step R, Step, Point, Cross, Point.
1-2Step Rt Fwd, turn 1/4 right (6) step Lt to the left.
3&4Step Rt back, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt Fwd
5-6Step Lt Fwd, point Rt out to the right.
7-8Cross Rt over Lt, point Lt out to the left.

[41-48] Fwd Rock, Recover, 1/2 Shuffle Turn L, 1/2 Pivot Left, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, Recover on Rt.
3&4Turn 1/2 left (12) step Lt fwd, step Rt beside Lt, step Lf fwd.
5-6Step Rt Fwd, turn 1/2 left (6) take weight on Lt.
7-8Walk Rt Fwd, walk Lt Fwd.

Start again and have fun!


dancefreaky79 December 28, 2013
Great song and dance!
Thank you so Much Sebastiaan.



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