CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 33 Stimmen)
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Advanced - WCS
Linda McCormack (UK) & Rachael McEnaney (USA) - November 2013
Move - Little Mix : (Album: Salute or avail. as single - 3:44)
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Count In: 32 counts from start of track. Approx 120bpm. Notes: Restart 1st wall count 48

[1 - 9] R hip circle CCW, hip push fwd-back, L ball change, L sweep, L cross, R side rock, R cross shuffle
1 2Step right to right side as you circle hips towards 9.00 (1), complete hip circle end at 10.30 with hips pushed forward & left heel lifted (left knee should be bent) (2) 10.30
3 & 4Push hips back as you straighten left knee (3), step ball of left next to right (&), cross right over left (4) 10.30
5 6Sweep left leg forward (5), cross left over right (6) 12.00
7 & 8 & 1Rock right to right side (7), recover weight right (&), cross right over left (8), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (1) 12.00

[10 – 16] Walk L-R-L making ¾ turn L, ball press L, hold, L back, toe taps moving back R-L,
2 3 4Make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (2), make ¼ turn left stepping forward right (3), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (4) 3.00
& 5 6Step ball of right next to left (&), press ball of left foot forward (bend left knee slightly) (5), hold (transfer weight to right) (6) 3.00
& 7 & 8Step back left (&), tap (press) right toe forward (7), step back right (&), tap (press) left toe forward (8) 3.00

[17 - 24] Side L with ¼ turn L, point R, rolling vine with ball cross, C hip, hip bumps with twists L-R
& 1Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (&), point right toe out to right side (prep body left for a turn to R) (1) 12.00
2 3Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (2), make ½ turn right stepping back left (3), 9.00
& 4Make ¼ turn right stepping ball of right to right side (&), cross left over right (4) 12.00
5 & 6Touch right to right side as you bump hips up (5), bump hips to left (&) bump hips to right & down (taking weight right) (6) 12.00
7 8Strong hip bump to left (7), strong hip bump to right (8) (weight ends right)
Styling: as you bump left twist heels left and take left hand up as if wiping brow – repeat to right 12.00

[25 – 33] L ball cross R, unwind ½ turn L, walk R-L, fwd R, pivot ½ turn L, fwd R, ½ turn R, ¼ turn R
& 1 2Step in place on ball of left (&), cross right over left (1), unwind ½ turn left (weight ends left) (2), 6.00
3 4 5 6Step forward right (3), step forward left (4), step forward right (5), pivot ½ turn left (6) 12.00
7 8 1Step forward right (7), make ½ turn right stepping back left (8), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (1) 9.00

[34 – 40] Close L with R kick/swing, R cross-out-out, L-R heel turn with ¼ L, head look, L ball, fwd R, 3/4 pivot L
2 3 & 4Step left next to right as you kick/swing right out to right side (2), cross right over left (3), step left to left (&), step right to right (4) 9.00
& 5(feet should be shoulder width apart – keep head facing 9.00) Twist left heel in (right) towards right (&), twist right heel out (right) (by the end of these heel twist the position of the feet should be facing the back so you have made a ¼ turn left – with feet) 6.00
6 & 7 8Turn head ¼ turn left (body should now be facing 6.00) (6.00), step ball of left in place (&), step forward right (7), pivot ¾ turn left (8) 9.00

[41 - 49] Side R, L sailor, R sailor, L behind, ¼ R, fwd L, ¼ pivot R, L cross
1 2 & 3Step right to right side (strong step) (1), cross left behind right (2), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (strong step) (3) 9.00
4 & 5 6Cross right behind left (4), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (5), cross left behind right (6), 9.00
7 8 & 1Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (7), step forward left (8)
(RESTART POINT), pivot ¼ turn right (&), cross left over right (1) 3.00
Restart On the first wall – you will Restart after count 48 (count 8 in this section), you will be facing front to start again. 12.00

[50 – 56] R side, L cross, R side-rock cross, L back, R back with L knee pop, L back with R knee pop
2 3 4 & 5Step right to right side (2), cross left over right (3), rock right to right side (4), recover weight left (&), cross right over left (5) 3.00
6 7 8Step back left (6), step back right as you pop left knee forward (7), step back left as you pop right knee forward (8) 3.00

[57 – 64] ¼ turn R with side rock (heel grind style), R behind, L side, R cross, L side, hold, L close, R side, L close
1 2 3Make ¼ turn right as you rock right to right side (do R heel grind for style) (1), recover weight left (2), cross right behind left (3) 6.00
4 & 5 6Step left to left side (4), cross right over left (&), step left to left side (5), hold (transfer weight right) (6) 6.00
& 7 8Step left next to right (&), step right to right side (7), step left next to right (8) 6.00

Rachael : -
Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933

NateDog December 11, 2013
I like the look of this one.

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