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Come On! Twist And Twist Again

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Liyu Kuo - November 2003
Twist - Miss 600
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Intro: 24 counts from the music begins.

S1: R Cross, Side, Heel diag front, Close; Reverse. 4X Paddles 1/8turn L.
1&2&R Cross over L(1), L Step L side(&), Touch R heel diag front(2), step R beside L(&)
3&4&L Cross over R(3), R Step R side(&), Touch L heel diag front(4), step L beside R(&)
5&6&R step diag front 1/8turn L(5), weight on L(&); Do it again.
7&8&Same as 5&6& (6:00)

S2: R Locking fw diag; L Locking fw diag, R Step fw, 1/4Pivot turn L, then Cross,Side, and Cross Shuffle
1&2R Step diag fw(1), L Lock behind R(&), R step diag fw(2)
3&4L Step diag fw(3), R Lock behind L(&), L step diag fw(4)
5&6&R Step fw(5),1/4Pivot turn L weight on L(&), R Cross L(6), Step L to L Side(&)
7&8R Cross Shuffle--R L R (3:00)

S3: L sailor step, R sailor 1/4turn R, L rock fw, R recover, and Coaster step
1&2L step behind R(1), R step next to L(&), L step to L(2)
3&4R step behind L while 1/4turn R(3), L step next to R(&), R step fw(4) (6:00)
5 6Rock L fw(5), Recover on R(6)
7&8Coaster step: L step Bk(7), R step next to L(&), L step fw(8)

S4: R big step fw diag, L Swivel toward R; L big step fw diag, R Swivel toward L
1R Big step fw diag
2&3&4Swivel L towards R stepping: Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel
5L Big step fw diag
6&7&8Swivel R towards L stepping: Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel
(Wall 3 finish S4 then Restart, facing 12:00)

S5 R rock fw, 1/4turn R recover, Chasse to R; L cross rock recover, Chasse to L
1 2R rock fw(1), 1/4turn R recover weight on L(2) (9:00)
3&4R Chasse to R: R L R
5 6L cross over R rock(5), recover weight on R(6)
7&8L Chasse to L: L R L

S6 Swivel single foot R heel up in, back down center; Reverse. Swivel both feet to R side by heel, toe, heel; Reverse.
1 2Swivel R heel up in (1), then back down center (2)
3 4Swivel L heel up in (3), then back down center (4)
5&6both heel up move to R(5), toe up move to R(&), heel up move to R(6)
7&8both heel up move to L(7), toe up move to L(&), heel up move to L(8)

S7 R point beside L while slightly bend both knees, Kick R fw diag while straighten both legs, Hold, weave to L, side,weave to L, sway L, R
&12R point beside L as slightly bend both knees(&), Kick R fw diag and straighten both legs(1), hold(2).
3&4&R weave to L, Side: R cross behind L(3), L step L side(&), R cross over L(4), L step L side(&).
5&6R weave to L: R cross behind L(5), L step L side(&), R cross over L(6).
7 8Sway L, Sway R.

S8 L point beside R while slightly bend both knees, Kick L fw diag while straighten both legs, Hold, weave to R, side,weave to R, sway R, L
&12L point beside R as slightly bend both knees(&), Kick L fw diag and straighten both legs(1), hold(2).
3&4&L weave to R, Side: L cross behind R(3), R step R side(&), L cross over R(4), R step R side(&).
5&6L weave to R: L cross behind R(5), R step R side(&), L cross over R(6).
7 8Sway R, Sway L.


** Restart: Wall 3 finish 32 counts (S4), facing 12:00 and Restart

**Ending: Wall 5 finish 24 counts (S3), then 1/4turn L step R to R and weight totally on R, Lift R hand up to sky at the same time.

Enjoy Dancing!!


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