** Made for the girls in Rokkeflokken as a (very) delayed confirmation gift ;) **
(8 count intro after beat starts)
R sailor, hip bumps, coaster ¼ turn left, R lock
1&2Make a right sailor stepping right behind left, left next to right, touch right to right side
3&4Make two hip bumps to left putting weight onto right foot
5&6Coaster step crossing left behind right, step right next to left, make ¼ turn to the left stepping forward on left
7&8Make a right lock forward stepping right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
L chase turn, out-out, push back, hipbumps
1&2Make a left chase turn stepping left forward, ½ over right shoulder stepping on right, step left forward
3-4Step right foot out to right, step left foot out to left
5Put your hands up in front of you and "push" yourself backward onto your heels
&6Step right back to the right, step left foot out to the left (moving hands downward)
7-8Keep hands together in front of your hips, bump ass up to the left, bump ass up to the right
L sailor, weave, hip sways with ¼ turn left
1&2Make a left sailor stepping left behind right, right to right side, left to left side
&3&4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, step left to left side
5-6-7&Sway hips to left, right, left-right
8Sway hip to left making ¼ turn to left
R chase turn (prep), ¾ turn, rock-recover, step-kick, step-kick
1&2Make a right chase turn stepping forward on right, ½ turn over left shoulder stepping left in place, step forward on right (prepping for reverse turn)
3&4Make a ¾ turn over right shoulder, turn ½ stepping back on left, ¼ turn stepping right to right side, cross left over right
5-6Rock right diagonally forward to right, recover on left
7Step back on right and make a small kick forward with left
8Step back on left and make a small kick forward with right
TAG: There is a 16 count tag after wall 1 and 3
Out-out, hold, bod yroll, kick, step, touch, twist X2
1&Step right to right side, step left to left side
3-4Make a body roll angling body diagonally left and moving weight onto right foot
5&kick left forward, step left forward
6Touch right next to right
7-8Twist right knee to right twice turning body out of diagonal position
Out-out, hold, bod yroll, kick, step, touch, twist X2
1&Step right to right side, step left to left side
3-4Make a body roll angling body diagonally left and moving weight onto right foot
5&kick left forward, step left forward
6Touch right next to right
7-8Twist right knee to right twice turning body out of diagonal position
RESTART: In wall 6 you dance the first 16 counts and start over
Also after wall 8 the music fades out, keep dancing! It will be back!
Hope you like it girls! ;)
(8 count intro after beat starts)
R sailor, hip bumps, coaster ¼ turn left, R lock
1&2Make a right sailor stepping right behind left, left next to right, touch right to right side
3&4Make two hip bumps to left putting weight onto right foot
5&6Coaster step crossing left behind right, step right next to left, make ¼ turn to the left stepping forward on left
7&8Make a right lock forward stepping right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
L chase turn, out-out, push back, hipbumps
1&2Make a left chase turn stepping left forward, ½ over right shoulder stepping on right, step left forward
3-4Step right foot out to right, step left foot out to left
5Put your hands up in front of you and "push" yourself backward onto your heels
&6Step right back to the right, step left foot out to the left (moving hands downward)
7-8Keep hands together in front of your hips, bump ass up to the left, bump ass up to the right
L sailor, weave, hip sways with ¼ turn left
1&2Make a left sailor stepping left behind right, right to right side, left to left side
&3&4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, step left to left side
5-6-7&Sway hips to left, right, left-right
8Sway hip to left making ¼ turn to left
R chase turn (prep), ¾ turn, rock-recover, step-kick, step-kick
1&2Make a right chase turn stepping forward on right, ½ turn over left shoulder stepping left in place, step forward on right (prepping for reverse turn)
3&4Make a ¾ turn over right shoulder, turn ½ stepping back on left, ¼ turn stepping right to right side, cross left over right
5-6Rock right diagonally forward to right, recover on left
7Step back on right and make a small kick forward with left
8Step back on left and make a small kick forward with right
TAG: There is a 16 count tag after wall 1 and 3
Out-out, hold, bod yroll, kick, step, touch, twist X2
1&Step right to right side, step left to left side
3-4Make a body roll angling body diagonally left and moving weight onto right foot
5&kick left forward, step left forward
6Touch right next to right
7-8Twist right knee to right twice turning body out of diagonal position
Out-out, hold, bod yroll, kick, step, touch, twist X2
1&Step right to right side, step left to left side
3-4Make a body roll angling body diagonally left and moving weight onto right foot
5&kick left forward, step left forward
6Touch right next to right
7-8Twist right knee to right twice turning body out of diagonal position
RESTART: In wall 6 you dance the first 16 counts and start over
Also after wall 8 the music fades out, keep dancing! It will be back!
Hope you like it girls! ;)