CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Jonathan Williamson (UK) - October 2013
Riptide - Emma Stevens
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Start Dance: Count 24 (8 seconds) from beginning of track

Step Hold, Step Hold, Coaster Step, Hold
1-2Step right forward, Hold
3-4Step left forward, Hold
5-6Step back right, step left besides right
7-8Step forward right, hold

Step Hold, Step Hold, Behind Side Cross, Hold
1-2Step left forward, Hold
3-4Step right forward, Hold
5-6Step left behind right, step right to right side
7-8Cross left over right, hold

Vine, Rock and Cross, Hold
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6Rock right to right side, recover weight on left
7-8Cross right over left, hold

Side, Behind ¼ Step, Step, Kick, Out Out
1-2Step left to left side, step right behind left
3-4¼ turn left stepping forward left, step forward right
5-6Kick left forward, Step left besides right
7-8Step right to right side, step left to left side

Swivets, Behind Side Cross, Hold
1-2(Weight on right heel and left toe) Fan right toe to right and left heel to left. Fan On the spot, return feet to place.
3-4(Weight on left heel and right toe) Fan left toe to left and right heel to right. Fan, return feet to place. Recover
5-6Step right behind left, step left to left side
7-8Cross right over left, hold

Monterey ¼ Turn, Touch, Jazz Box, Step
1-2Point left to left side, ¼ turn left (stepping left besides right)
3-4Point right to right side, touch right besides left
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left
7-8Step right to right side, step left forward

Swivets, Coaster Step, Scuff
1-2(Weight on right heel and left toe) Fan right toe to right and left heel to left. Fan On the spot, return feet to place.
3-4(Weight on left heel and right toe) Fan left toe to left and right heel to right. Fan, return feet to place. Recover
5-6Step back right, step left besides right
7-8Step forward right, Scuff left forward

Forward Shuffle, Scuff, Rocking Chair Forward and Back
1-2Step left forward, step right besides left
3-4Step left forward, scuff forward right
5-6Rock forward right, recover weight on left
7-8Rock back right, recover weight on left

Restart: wall 3 after step 32. At the Restart, make ¼ turn right as you step forward on right.

At the end of wall 2 repeat the rocking chairs (last 4 steps)
At the end of wall 7 repeat the rocking chairs twice

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Last Revision - 23rd Oct 2013
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