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Girl Power

( 84 Stimmen)
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Simon Ward (AUS), Debbie McLaughlin (UK) & José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) - October 2013
Woman's World - Cher : (Album: Closer To The Truth)
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Notes: 2 x Restarts, Walls 1 & 3 after count 56. 4 count bridge on Wall 6 after count 32. Intro 16 counts into track

1st Place: 2013 Windy City Linedancemania Instructors Choreography Competition

[1-8] Right side, L toe behind, ¼ L, ¼ L, L behind R, ¼ turn R, Shuffle fwd L
1-2Step right to right side, Touch left toe behind right looking to right
3-4Step left to left turning ¼ L, Step right forward making a further ¼ turn left 6.00
5-6Step left behind right, Step right to right turning ¼ turn right 9.00
7&8Step left slightly forward, Step right beside left, Step left slightly forward

[9-16] R fwd, Pivot ½ L, R fwd, Hitch L, Cross/step L, ¼ L, L cross shuffle back
1-2Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 3.00
3-4Step right forward and slightly across left, Hitch left knee up shrugging shoulders forward (use arms for styling)
5-6Cross/step left over right, Step right to right turning ¼ turn left 12.00
7&8Step left back, Cross/step right over left, Step left back

[17-24] Rock R back, Recover L, Walk R,L, 2 x toe heel struts with ½ turns L
1-2Rock/step right back, Recover weight onto left (on chorus clench right fist then left fist to match words of song)
3-4Walk forward right, left
5-6Touch right toe forward making ¼ turn left, Drop right heel making a further ¼ turn left (toe heel strut ½ turn) 6.00
7-8Touch left toe back making a ¼ turn left, Drop left heel making a further ¼ turn left (toe heel strut ½ turn) 12.00

[25-32] R fwd, Pivot ½ L, Walk R,L, Full paddle turn L, Step R beside L
1-2Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 6.00
3-4Walk forward right, left
5-8Turn ¼ left touching right to right 3.00, turn ¼ left touching right to right 12.00, turn ¼ left touching right to right 9.00, turn ¼ left stepping right next to left 6.00 - full paddle turn, on chorus arms go out palms facing up

[33-41] L side, 1/8 R & rock R back, Recover L, Shuffle fwd R, L fwd, Pivot ½ R, ½ R & cross shuffle L back
1-3Step left to left side, Turn 1/8 turn right & rock/step right back, Recover weight onto left 7.30
4&5Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
6-7Step left forward, Pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right (sharp pivot turn) 1.30
8&1Making a further ½ turn right & step left back, Cross/step right over left, Step left back 7.30

[42-48] Rock R back, Recover L, R scissor step, ¼ R, ½ R, ½ R
2-3Rock/step right back, Recover weight onto left 7.30
4&5Step right to right side facing 6.00, Step left beside right, Cross/step right over left turning body slightly left
6-8Step left to left turning ¼ turn right 9.00, Step right back turning ½ turn right 3.00, Step left forward turning ½ turn right 9.00

[49-56] ¼ R, Point L, ¼ L, ¼ L, L behind R, R side, Cross chasse L over R
1-2Step right back turning a further ¼ turn right 12.00, Point left toe to left (on chorus flex your biceps to match words of song)
3-4Make a ¼ turn left stepping onto left 9.00, Step right forward turning ¼ turn left 6.00
5-6Step left behind right, Step right to right side 6.00
7&8Cross/step left over right, Step right to right side, Cross/step left over right
**RESTART ON WALLS 1 & 3 – facing back **

[57-64] Rock R to R, Recover L, Cross/step R, Hold x 2 with arms
1-2Rock/step right to right side, Recover weight onto left 6.00
3-4Cross /step right over left turning body slightly left, Hold (both arms go up and out on the words “Womans World”)
5-6Rock/step left to left side, Recover weight onto right 6.00
7-8Cross/step left over right turning body slightly right, Hold (both arms go up and out on the words “Womans World”)


Bridge Notes: On wall 6 – you will hit a 4 count break in the music after the paddle turn (facing front wall), Pose for 4 counts stepping left to left side then continue with dance from count 33

Ending: At the end of dance facing the back wall, step right to right side with a sharp look over right shoulder to front wall slapping right buttock

Simon Ward, Australia,
Debbie McLaughlin, UK
Jose Miguel Belloque Vane, Holland,

mailman October 18, 2013
excellent dance folks the flow of the dance is great, and boy you can put as much attitude into the dance as you want a huge thumbs up

jetset jane October 23, 2013
Looks good, we have dancers who like this kind of dance but might get fed up of the wailing 'womans world' after a few weeks, has anyone seen a better remix?

mailman October 23, 2013
people will love cher no matter what and i think this will be a huge hit for months. as for remixes if there is one it may alter the dance

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