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I Can Take It From There

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Shelia Montgomery (USA) - June 2013
I Can Take It from There - Chris Young
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Intro: 2 - 8 counts

[1 - 8] Walk R, Walk L, Mambo R, Back L, Back R, Mambo L
1 - 2Step forward on right (1), step forward on left (2),
3 & 4Rock forward on right (3, &), step back on right (4)
5 - 6Step back on left (5), step back on right (6)
7 & 8Rock back on left (7, &), step forward on left (8)

[9 - 16] Rolling (or straight) vine R with a touch, Rolling (or straight) vine L with a touch.
1 - 4Step right to right turning ¼ (1), step on left turning ¼ (2) step on right turning ½ having made a complete turn (3), touch left beside right (4)
5 - 8Step left to left turning ¼ (5), step on right turning ¼ (6), step on left turning ½ having made a complete turn (7), touch right beside left (8)

[17 - 24] R Lock step, L Lock step, Step turn ½, Walk R, Walk L
1, 2 &Step forward on right (1), step left behind & slightly to right side of right (2), Step forward on right (&)
3, 4 &Step forward on left (3), step right behind & slightly to left side of left (4), Step forward on left (&)
5 - 8Step forward right (5), turn ½ (6) , walk forward on right (7), walk forward on left (8)

[25 - 32] R Lock step, L Lock step, Step turn ½, Walk R, Walk L
1, 2 &Step forward on right (1), step left behind & slightly to right side of right (2), Step forward on right (&)
3, 4 &Step forward on left (3), step right behind & slightly to left side of left (4), Step forward on left (&)
5 - 8Step forward right (5), turn ½ (6) , walk forward on right (7), walk forward on left (8)

[33 - 40] R side step, L behind right, Triple in place, Sweeping L sailor with a ¼ left turn, walk, walk
1 - 2Step right foot to right side (1), step left foot behind right (2)
3 & 4Step right to right side (3), step left in place (&), step right in place (4)
5 & 6Sweep left foot around and behind right turning ¼ turn to the left (5), step on right (&), step forward on left (6),
7, 8walk forward on right (7), walk forward on left (8)

[41 – 48] Knee roll right looking right with attitude, Knee roll left looking left with attitude, Mambo right, Mambo left
1-4 Roll right knee out and to the right (1, 2), roll left knee out and to the left (3, 4)
5 & 6Rock right foot to right (5, &), step right foot beside left (6)
7 & 8Rock left foot to left (7 &), step left foot beside right (8)

One Restart. Restart is on the front wall, wall 5 of dance. Complete first 16 counts (complete vines) – Restart.

Dance ends after the first 8 counts, facing wall 6. To end with a 'flourish':
Walk R, Walk L, R mambo
Back left (5), back right (6), touch left toe beside right foot (7),
Cross left toe over right (&) , turn upper body toward the front wall hands in air (8).


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