16 count intro
Section 1: Lock Step, Flick, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Weave, Back Rock, Spiral 1/2 Turn
1 & 2 &Step right forward. Lock left behind right. Step right forward. Flick left back to left diagonal.
3 & 4 &Cross left over right. Step right to side. Cross left behind right. Sweep right back.
5 & 6 &Cross right behind left. Step left to side. Cross right over left. Step left to side.
7 &Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
8 &Turn 1/4 left stepping right back. Turn another 1/4 left hooking left across right shin.
Section 2: Rumba Box, Side, Cross, Side, Kick, Side, Kick, Side, Kick
1 & 2Step left to left side. Step right beside left. Step left forward. (6:00)
3 & 4Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right back.
5 & 6 &Step left to side. Cross right over left. Step left to side. Kick right forward to right diagonal.
7 &Step right to side. Kick left forward to left diagonal.
8 &Step left to side. Kick right forward to right diagonal.
Section 3: Weave Left With Sweep, Weave Right With Hitch
1 & 2 &Cross right over left. Step left to side. Cross right behind left. Step left to side.
3 & 4 &Cross right over left. Step left to side. Cross right behind left. Sweep left back.
5 & 6 &Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Cross left over right. Step right to side.
7 & 8 &Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Cross left over right. Hitch right knee.
Section 4: Prissy Walks, Mambo 1/2 Turn, Step Lock Step
1 – 4Walk forward and slightly across other foot - right, left, right, left.
Option Counts 3 – 4: make full turn left.
5 & 6Rock forward on right. Rock back on left. Turn 1/2 right stepping right forward.
7 & 8Step left forward. Lock right behind left. Step left forward. (12:00)
Restart Wall 5: Start the dance again from the beginning (facing 12:00).
Section 5: Step, Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Step, Pivot 1/4, Forward Rock, Side Rock, Sailor Step
1 – 2 &Step right forward. Step left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn right.
3 – 4 &Step left forward. Step right forward. Pivot 1/4 turn left. (3:00)
5 & 6 &Rock forward on right. Recover onto left. Rock right to side. Recover onto left.
7 & 8Cross right behind left. Step left to side. Step right to side (and slightly forward).
Section 6: Step, Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Step, Pivot 1/4, Forward Rock, Side Rock, Sailor Step
1 – 2 &Step left forward. Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left.
3 – 4 &Step right forward. Step left forward. Pivot 1/4 turn right. (12:00)
5 & 6 &Rock forward on left. Recover onto right. Rock left to side. Recover onto right.
7 & 8Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Step left to side (and slightly forward).
Section 7: Heel, Hook, Heel, Flick 1/4 Turn (x 2)
1 &(Weight on left) Tap right heel forward. Hook right foot across left shin.
2 &Tap right heel forward. Turn 1/4 left flicking right foot back to right diagonal.
3 &Tap right heel forward. Hook right foot across left shin.
4 &Tap right heel forward. Turn 1/4 left flicking right foot back to right diagonal. (6:00)
Restart: One Restart during Wall 5 at the end of section 4
Section 1: Lock Step, Flick, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Weave, Back Rock, Spiral 1/2 Turn
1 & 2 &Step right forward. Lock left behind right. Step right forward. Flick left back to left diagonal.
3 & 4 &Cross left over right. Step right to side. Cross left behind right. Sweep right back.
5 & 6 &Cross right behind left. Step left to side. Cross right over left. Step left to side.
7 &Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
8 &Turn 1/4 left stepping right back. Turn another 1/4 left hooking left across right shin.
Section 2: Rumba Box, Side, Cross, Side, Kick, Side, Kick, Side, Kick
1 & 2Step left to left side. Step right beside left. Step left forward. (6:00)
3 & 4Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right back.
5 & 6 &Step left to side. Cross right over left. Step left to side. Kick right forward to right diagonal.
7 &Step right to side. Kick left forward to left diagonal.
8 &Step left to side. Kick right forward to right diagonal.
Section 3: Weave Left With Sweep, Weave Right With Hitch
1 & 2 &Cross right over left. Step left to side. Cross right behind left. Step left to side.
3 & 4 &Cross right over left. Step left to side. Cross right behind left. Sweep left back.
5 & 6 &Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Cross left over right. Step right to side.
7 & 8 &Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Cross left over right. Hitch right knee.
Section 4: Prissy Walks, Mambo 1/2 Turn, Step Lock Step
1 – 4Walk forward and slightly across other foot - right, left, right, left.
Option Counts 3 – 4: make full turn left.
5 & 6Rock forward on right. Rock back on left. Turn 1/2 right stepping right forward.
7 & 8Step left forward. Lock right behind left. Step left forward. (12:00)
Restart Wall 5: Start the dance again from the beginning (facing 12:00).
Section 5: Step, Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Step, Pivot 1/4, Forward Rock, Side Rock, Sailor Step
1 – 2 &Step right forward. Step left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn right.
3 – 4 &Step left forward. Step right forward. Pivot 1/4 turn left. (3:00)
5 & 6 &Rock forward on right. Recover onto left. Rock right to side. Recover onto left.
7 & 8Cross right behind left. Step left to side. Step right to side (and slightly forward).
Section 6: Step, Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Step, Pivot 1/4, Forward Rock, Side Rock, Sailor Step
1 – 2 &Step left forward. Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left.
3 – 4 &Step right forward. Step left forward. Pivot 1/4 turn right. (12:00)
5 & 6 &Rock forward on left. Recover onto right. Rock left to side. Recover onto right.
7 & 8Cross left behind right. Step right to side. Step left to side (and slightly forward).
Section 7: Heel, Hook, Heel, Flick 1/4 Turn (x 2)
1 &(Weight on left) Tap right heel forward. Hook right foot across left shin.
2 &Tap right heel forward. Turn 1/4 left flicking right foot back to right diagonal.
3 &Tap right heel forward. Hook right foot across left shin.
4 &Tap right heel forward. Turn 1/4 left flicking right foot back to right diagonal. (6:00)
Restart: One Restart during Wall 5 at the end of section 4