CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Californian Queen

( 1 Stimmen)
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Sofia (NL) - September 2013
Queen of California - John Mayer
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Intro: start on the word “cold”

[1-8] rock 3x, point, sailorstep, rock, ¼ turn right.
1&R. rock forward , recover weight
2&R. rock to the side, recover weight
3&R. rock behind, recover weight
4R. point to the side
5R. step behind L.
&L. step to the left
6R. step to the right
7&L. rock back, recover weight
8L. ¼ turn right step to the side

[9-16] heel switches, heel, cross, big step drag, step back, R. shuffle.
1R. heel forward
&R. next to L.
2L. heel forward
&L. next to R.
3R. heel forward
&R. next to L.
4L. cross
5R. big step to the side, L. drag
6L. step back , R. lift your leg a bit
7R. step forward
&L. next to R.
8R. step forward

[17-24] rock 3x, point, sailorstep, rock, ¼ turn left.
1&L. rock forward, recover weight
2&L. rock to the side, recover weight
3&L. rock behind, recover weight
4L. point to the side
5L. step behind R.
&R. step to the right
6L. step to the left
7&R. rock back, recover weight
8R. ¼ turn left step to the side

[25-32] heel switches, heel, cross,1/4 turn right, step back, L. shuffle.
1L. heel forward
&L. next to R.
2R. heel forward
&R. next to L.
3L. heel forward
&L. next to R.
4R. cross
5L. ¼ turn right step back
6R. step back, L. lift your leg a bit
7L. step forward
&R. next to L.
8L. step forward

[33-40] chasse, rock, step, syncopated lockstep, rock, recover.
1R. step to the side
&L. next to R.
2R. step to the side
3&L. rock back, recover weight
4L. step forward
5R. step forward
&L. lock behind R.
6R. step forward
&L. step forward
7R. lock behind L.
&L. step forward
8&R. rock forward, recover weight

[41-48] R. big step back L. drag, L. coaster step, R. lockstep, rock, point, together.
1R. big step back L. drag
2L. step back
&R. next to L.
3L. step forward
4R. step forward
&L. lock behind R.
5R. step forward
6&L. rock forward, recover weight
7L. point to the side
8L. next to R.

Ending: after count 48 at 6 o`clock
R. cross over L. - ½ turn left


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