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Come Get It

( 1 Stimmen)
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Paul James (UK) & David-Ian Blakeley (UK) - August 2013
Come & Get It - Selena Gomez
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Note: Start dance facing 6 o’clock wall -
Starting position - Left foot crossed over Right.
4 count Tag danced twice, at the end of walls 3 and 8.
1 Restart on wall 6 after count 20 (hip bumps)

Unwind ½ turn with hitch & point, dip, touch, coaster step, step, ½ turn, step together.
1&2(With the weight on both feet) Unwind ½ turn over right shoulder placing weight on left hitching right leg (1), step right down in place (&), point left out to left side (2).
3-4Dip body from right to left taking weight on to left (3), Touch right next to left (4).
5&6Step back on right foot (5), Step left next to right (&) Step forward on right foot (6).
7&8Step forward on left foot (7), Make ½ turn over left shoulder stepping back on right (&) Step left next to right (8).

Walk forward x2, step body roll, rock & step, point, ¼ turn, out, out, cross, unwind ½ turn, push hips back.
1&2Step forward right (1), Step forward left (&), Step forward on right foot rolling up through the body (2)
3&4Rock forward on to left (3), Recover on to right (&), Step back on left (4).
&5Point right foot back (&), Make ¼ turn right taking weight on to right foot (5).
6&Step left forward (6), Step right shoulder width apart from left (&)
7&8Cross left behind right (7), Unwind ½ turn over left shoulder (&), With the weight on both feet push hips back (8).

Hips bumps right, hips bumps left with ¼ turn, touch, touch, kick ball change, heel lifts.
1&2Touch right foot diagonally forward whilst pushing hip diagonally forward (1), push hip back in place (&), Push hip forward over right stepping right down (2).
3&4Touch left foot diagonally forward whilst pushing hip diagonally forward (3), Push hips back in place (&), Push hip forward over left taking weight on to left making ¼ turn to left (4).
5&Touch right foot forward (5), Touch right next to left (&).
6&7Kick right foot forward (6), Step right in place (&), Step left foot slightly forward (7).
&8Lift both heels up (&), Place back down (8).

Rock Forward and Back and Kick Ball change, Point, Full Turn, Rock and Cross.
1&2&Rock forward onto right foot (1), Recover weight onto left foot (&), Rock back onto right foot (2) Recover weight onto left foot (&).
3&4Kick right foot forward (3), Step right in place (&), Step left foot slightly forward (4).
5-6Point right foot to right side (5), Make a full turn on the spot over right shoulder with the weight on your left foot ending with the weight on the right foot (6).
7&8Rock left foot to left side (7), Replace weight onto right (&), Cross left foot over right ending with the weight on both feet (8).

End of dance

Tag: Unwind ½ turn with rock, rock, rock & cross.
1-2Unwind ½ turn over right shoulder (ending with feet shoulder width apart) rocking weight onto left pushing left hip to left side (1), Rock weight onto right pushing right hip to right side (2)
3&4Rock weight onto left foot (3), Replace weight onto right (&), Cross left foot over right ending with the weight on both feet (4)

Restart: During wall 6, dance up to count 20 (hip bumps) with the weight on the left foot, ready to start the dance again.

Happy Dancing


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