16 count intro
Right Lock Step, Scuff - Left Lock Step, Scuff
1&2&Step forward right diagonal, Step(Lock) left behind right, Step forward right diagonal, Scuff left foot next to right
3&4&Step forward left diagonal, Step (Lock) right behind left, Step forward left diagonal, Scuff right next to left
Right Mambo 1/4 turn right mambo
5&6&step right forward, lift left behind right recover left, step right back, lift left recover left with 1/4 turn to left (left wall)
7&8&step right forward, lift left behind right recover left, step right back, lift left recover left with 1/4 turn to left. (Back wall)
Grapevine weave (grapevine to right 1/2 turn grapevine to left) grapevine to right.
1&2&step right to right, cross left behind right, uncross right 1/4 turn to right, cross left behind right 1/4 to left(facing front wall)
3&4&cross right behind left, lift and recover left, cross right behind left to right, cross left behind right.
5&6&lift and recover right, move left beside right, (military roll right back while turning 1/4 turn. (Right wall))
7right heel
8left heel
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Right Lock Step, Scuff - Left Lock Step, Scuff
1&2&Step forward right diagonal, Step(Lock) left behind right, Step forward right diagonal, Scuff left foot next to right
3&4&Step forward left diagonal, Step (Lock) right behind left, Step forward left diagonal, Scuff right next to left
Right Mambo 1/4 turn right mambo
5&6&step right forward, lift left behind right recover left, step right back, lift left recover left with 1/4 turn to left (left wall)
7&8&step right forward, lift left behind right recover left, step right back, lift left recover left with 1/4 turn to left. (Back wall)
Grapevine weave (grapevine to right 1/2 turn grapevine to left) grapevine to right.
1&2&step right to right, cross left behind right, uncross right 1/4 turn to right, cross left behind right 1/4 to left(facing front wall)
3&4&cross right behind left, lift and recover left, cross right behind left to right, cross left behind right.
5&6&lift and recover right, move left beside right, (military roll right back while turning 1/4 turn. (Right wall))
7right heel
8left heel
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