CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Goodbye, Au Revoir

( 18 Stimmen)
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Diane Gee (UK) & Mary Jones (UK) - June 2013
The Goodbye Song - The Ray Peters Band
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No Tags or Restarts just dance and enjoy!

Right side, together, back, hold, sweep Left behind, side, cross, sweep forward
1 – 2Step right to right side, step left beside right,
3 – 4Step right foot back, hold.
5 – 6Sweep left foot out and behind right, step right foot to right,
7 – 8Step left foot across right, sweep right from back to front

Cross side behind sweep, rock left foot back, replace half turn right, hold
1 – 2Cross right over left, step left to left,
3 – 4Cross right behind left, hold.
5 – 6Rock back onto left foot, replace weight to right,
7 – 8Make half turn right stepping left foot back, hold.

Rock back right, replace, step forward hold, left side together forward, hold
1 – 2Rock right foot back, replace weight forward onto left foot,
3 – 4Step right foot forward, hold.
5 – 6Step left to left, step right foot next to left,
7 – 8Step left foot forward, hold.

Cross, side, behind, sweep, behind, side, cross hold
1 – 2Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left,
3 – 4Cross right foot behind left, sweep left foot from front to back,
5 – 6Cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right,
7 – 8Cross left foot over right, hold.

Rock right forward, replace, quarter turn right, step half turn right, step hold
1 – 2Rock forward onto right foot, replace weight onto left,
3 – 4Step a quarter turn to the right onto right foot, hold.
5 – 6Step left foot forward, pivot half turn right,
7 – 8Step left foot forward, hold.

Step right forward, touch, step back touch, step back, touch, forward brush
1 – 2Step right foot forward to the right diagonal, touch left in place,
3 – 4Step left back to the left diagonal, touch right in place,
5 – 6Step right back to the right diagonal, touch left in place,
7 – 8Step left forward to the left diagonal, brush right foot forward.

Step lock step hold step quarter turn right cross
1 – 2Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right,
3 – 4Step right foot forward, hold.
5 – 6Step left foot forward, make a quarter turn right,
7 – 8Step left foot across right, hold.

Quarter turn, half turn left, step right forward, hold rock replace quarter turn left hold
1 – 2Making quarter turn left, step right foot back, half turn left stepping left foot forward,
3 – 4Step right foot forward, hold.
5 – 6Rock left foot forward across right, replace weight to right,
7 – 8Step quarter turn left onto left foot, hold.

Start again


Pattie June 10, 2013
Great new dance, not too difficult once you get into it. Shame about the chairs in the background on the demo.

christine01 June 10, 2013
lovely dance I had fun learning it

charlie85 June 13, 2013
Great dance, Easy to learn, Love the music

BadO June 13, 2013
Great to have a nice beginner dance to grat counrty music

lincslass June 13, 2013
good dance good music

she June 14, 2013
good dance, fun to do, like the music.

Di June 17, 2013
So glad you are liking our new dance, please feel free to teach and share.

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