CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Back in The Day

( 6 Stimmen)
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Phrased High Intermediate
Paul James (UK) & David-Ian Blakeley (UK) - April 2013
Remember Me (feat. Jessie J) - Daley : (iTunes)
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Phrasing: A,A,B,A,A,B,A,B,B

Part A: 32 counts
Large side step, Cross, Unwind ¾ turn, Knee pop Left, Right, Left, Right travelling Back
1-2Take a large step to left side on left foot, sliding right foot next to left
&3-4Place weight on right foot, Cross left foot over right foot, Unwind ¾ turn over right shoulder (Weight ending on left foot)
5-6Transfer weight over to right foot as you pop left knee forward, Step slightly back on left foot popping right knee forward
7-8Step slightly back on right foot popping left knee forward, Step slightly back on left foot popping right knee forward.

Switches right and left, and touch right, centre, Kick hitch, Right sailor step, Left sailor ¼ turn.
1&2Touch right foot to right side, Step right foot next to left foot, Touch left foot to left side
&3&4Step left foot next to right foot, Touch right foot out to right side, Touch right foot next to left; Turning body slightly right, kick right foot out to right side and finish move off by hitching right knee slightly.
5&6Step right foot behind left foot, Step left foot next to right, Step right foot to right side
7&8Step left foot behind right foot, Step right next to left making a ¼ turn left, Step left next to right. (Weight ending on left foot)

Funky walks back Right, Left, Right, Left, Right sailor ½ turn, Knee pop, Hold.
1&2&Step slightly back on right foot whilst fanning left toe out (putting weight onto heels with each step), Touch left next to right, Step slightly back on left foot whilst fanning right toe out, Touch right next to left
3&4Step slightly back on right foot whilst fanning left toe out, Touch left next to right, Step slightly back on left foot whilst fanning right toe out
5&6Step right foot behind left foot making ¼ turn right, Step left in place making ¼ turn right, Step right foot slightly out (So feet are now shoulder width apart)
&7-8Transfer weight on to balls of your feet and pop both knees forward, Recover weight, Hold for count 8.

Walk, Walk, ¼ and cross, ¼ Step, Rock, Recover, Step back, Triple 1¼ turn, Touch.
1-2Walk forward Right, Left
&3-4Step forward on right foot, Cross left over right foot making ¼ turn left, Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right foot.
5&6Rock forward on left foot, Recover on right foot, Step back on left foot
7&8&Make ½ turn over right stepping forward on right foot, Make ½ turn right stepping back on left foot, make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, Touch left foot next to right.

Part B: 32 counts
Left and Right hip pushes in place, Circle hips anti clockwise, and Cross step, and Cross step.
1-2Step left foot to left pushing the hip out to the left; distributing the weight between both feet push the right hip out to the right.
3-4Circle the hips round from left to right (anti clockwise)
&5-6Step in place onto left foot and cross right over, Step left to left
&7-8Step in place onto right foot and cross left foot over, Step right to right

Right heel, Left heel, Right heel, ¼ turn pivot right, ½ turn pivot left, and Step, Head look left, Pivot ¼ left.
1&2&Pop right heel out to right side and replace next to left, Pop left heel out to left and replace next to right.
3-4Pop right heel out to right, Weight on both feet turn/twist body ¼ to right
5&6Weight on both feet turn/twist body ½ to left (left foot slightly forward), Step left foot in place under body, Step right foot forward
7Turn head to look left
8Make ¼ turn left ending with feet hip width apart and weight on both feet.

Scuff right ¼ left, Hip bumps right left right, 2 walks forward left right with hips, steps slightly forward (left right, left right)
1-2Scuff the right heel and make a ¼ left stepping onto right foot.
3&4Hip bumps right left right.
5-6Step out and forward onto left pushing the hip out slightly, step out and forward onto right pushing the hip out slightly
&7&8Make little steps forward with feet hip width: left, right, left, right.

Four 1/4 turn chugs clockwise, Quick step sequence – Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
1¼ turn pivot over right, keeping weight on right foot touching left toe to left (12 o’clock)
2¼ turn pivot over right keeping weight on right foot touching left toe to left (3 o’clock)
3¼ turn pivot over right keeping weight on right foot touching left toe to left (6 o’clock)
4¼ turn pivot over right keeping weight on right foot touching left toe to left (9 o’clock)
5&6&Step left foot behind right, Step right foot to right, Step left to left, Step right foot behind left
7&8&Step left to left, Step right to right, Step left behind right, Step right to right.

Have fun dancing


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