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I'm Movin' On

( 2 Stimmen)
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Andrew Palmer (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK) - March 2013
I'm Movin' On (feat. Dean Brody) - Terri Clark : (CD: Classic)
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SEC1: Toe. Heel. Toe. Kick. Cross. Back. Side. Scuff
1-4Touch R toe beside L heel (knee turned in), touch R heel beside L (knee turned out), Touch R toe beside L heel, kick R fwd.
5-8Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to the side, scuff L.

SEC2: Cross. Back. 1/4 L. Hold. Shuffle fwd R. Hold
1-4Cross L over R, step back on R, ¼ turn L (9:00) step fwd L, hold.
5-8Step fwd R, slide L beside R, step fwd R, hold.

SEC3: Step. Pivot 1/2 R. Step Half R. Hold. Lock-Step back R. Hold
1-4Step fwd L, pivot ½ turn R (3:00), ½ turn R (9:00) stepping back on L, hold.
5-8Step back on R, lock step L across R, step back on R, hold.

SEC4: Shuffle 1/2 L. Hold. Rock fwd R. Recover. Step back R. Hitch L turning 1/4 L
1-4¼ turn L (6:00) stepping side L, step R in place beside L, ¼ turn L (3:00) step fwd L, hold.
5-8Rock fwd R, recover weight to L, step back on R, hitch L turning ¼ L (12:00).

SEC5: 1/4 L Step fwd L. Hitch R turn 1/4 L. Step back on R turn 1/4 L. Hitch L. Coaster L. Hold
1-4¼ turn L (9:00) step fwd L, hitch R turning ¼ L (6:00), ¼ turn L (3:00) step back on R, hitch L.
5-8Step back on L, step R in place beside L, step fwd L, hold.

SEC6: Rock side R. Recover. Cross. Hold. Rock side L. Recover turning 1/4 R. Step fwd L. Hold
1-4Rock R to side, recover weight to L, cross R over L, hold.
5-8Rock L to side, recover weight to R turning ¼ R (6:00), step fwd L, hold.
*** Restart point during wall 3 (6:00) and wall 6 (12:00)

SEC7: Rock fwd R. Recover. Rock back R. Recover
1-4Rock fwd R, recover weight to L, rock back on R, recover weight to L.

NB: During wall 3 (6:00) and wall 6 (12:00) dance 48 counts then restart - miss out the Rocking chair.
The 2 instrumental verses.


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