CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 2 Stimmen)
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Phrased Novice
Synthia Stevens - March 2013
Sequence: A A B B C C A A B B TAG A A B B

The dance start when Nayer sings the line 'I know the craving', on the word "craving" start part A

Part A - 32 counts
Dorothy steps 2x, mambo step RF forward, ½ pivot turn R, step LF next to RF
1-2-&Step RF forward to right diagonal (01.30), lock LF behind RF, step RF slightly forward
3-4-&Step LF forward to left diagonal (10.30), lock RF behind LF, step LF slightly forward
5-&-6Rock on RF forward (12.00), weight back on LF, step RF next to LF (weight on RF)
7-&-8Step LF forward, ½ turn over right shoulder (06.00), step LF next to RF

Mambo step RF forward, mambo step LF back, Mambo step RF right, mambo step LF left, touch
1-&-2Rock on RF forward, weight back on LF, step RF next to LF (weight on RF)
3-&-4Rock on LF back, weight back on RF, step LF next to RF (weight on LF)
5-&-6Rock on RF side right, weight back on LF, step RF next to LF (weight on RF)
7-&-8Rock on LF side left, weight back on RF, touch LF next to RF (weight on RF)

Step LF side left, sailor-heel & cross, step RF side right, weave ¼ right
1Step LF side left
2-&-3Step RF behind LF, step LF slightly forward, step right heel forward
&-4Step RF next to LF, cross LF over RF
5Step RF side right
6-&-7Cross LF behind RF, step RF side right, Cross LF over RF
8¼ Turn over right shoulder (09.00) stepping RF forward

Out-out with chest pumps, push-kick LF, behind-side-cross, point RF right ¼ turn, touch
1-2step LF side left (push chest forward), step RF side right (push chest forward)
3-4Push weight down on LF, put weight back on RF and kick with LF
5-&-6Cross LF behind RF, step RF side right, cross LF over RF
7-8point RF side right, ¼ turn over right shoulder (12.00) touching RF next to LF

Part B - 32 counts
Side rock RF cross , side rock LF cross, ½ pivot turn L, shuffle forward LF
1-&-2Rock RF side right, weight back on LF, cross RF over LF
3-&-4Rock LF side left, weight back on RF, cross LF over RF
5-&-6Step RF forward, ½ turn over left shoulder (06.00), step RF next to LF (weight on RF)
7-&-8step LF forward, step RF behind LF, step LF forward

Mambo step RF forward, mambo step LF left, point-flick RF, cross shuffle RF
1-&-2Rock on RF forward, weight back on LF, step RF next to LF (weight on RF)
3-&-4Rock on LF side left, weight back on RF, step LF next to RF (weight on LF)
5-6Point RF side right, flick RF
7-&-8Cross RF over LF, LF step side left, cross RF over LF

4x Peddle turn with LF ½
1-2Make 1/8 turn over right shoulder (07.30) touching LF side left
3-4Make 1/8 turn over right shoulder (09.00) touching LF side left
5-6Make 1/8 turn over right shoulder (10.30) touching LF side left
7-8Make 1/8 turn over right shoulder (12.00) touching LF side left

Rock forward LF, behind-side-cross, rock forward LF, behind-side-touch
1-2Rock LF forward, weight back on RF
3-&-4Cross LF behind RF, step RF side right, cross LF over RF
5-6Rock RF forward, weight back in LF
7&-8Cross RF behind LF, LF step side left, touch RF next to LF

The 4th time you dance part B don’t touch your right foot (count 32) next to left foot but step on your right foot because you have to start the tag with your left foot.

Part C - 16 counts
Side rock RF & side rock LF, step LF forward, step RF next to LF, hip roll 2 counts counter clockwise
1-2-&Rock RF side right, weight back on LF, step RF next to LF (put weight on RF)
3-4Rock LF side left, weigt back on RF
5-6step LF forward, step RF next to LF
7-8Hip roll counter clockwise (put weight on LF)

Monterey full turn
1-2Point RF side right, ½ turn over right shoulder (06.00) step RF next to LF
3-4Point LF side left, step LF next to RF
5-6Point RF side right, ½ turn over right shoulder (12.00) step RF next to LF
7-8Point LF side left, touch LF next to RF

TAG: The 4th time you dance part B don’t touch your right foot (count 32) next to left foot but step on your right foot because you have to start the Tag with your left foot.
Starts after the 4 time you've danced part B.
Rock forward LF, behind-side-cross, rock forward RF, behind-side-touch
1-2Rock LF forward, weight back on RF
3-&-4Cross LF behind RF, step RF side right, cross LF over RF
5-6Rock RF forward, weight back in LF
7&-8Cross RF behind LF, LF step side left, touch RF next to LF


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