Start dancing at (14 sec).
Sec 1: [1-8] Syncopated Kicks Fwd R-L, Step Heel Swivel, Heel Switches ¼ L, Step Heel Swivel.
1&2&Kick Rt forward, step Rt back in place, Kick Lt forward, step Lt back in place. (12:00)
3&4Step Rt slightly forward, with R toes on the floor swivel R heel out, swivel R heel in weight onto Lt.
5&6&Touch R heel forward, step Rt back in place, turn ¼ left (9) touch L heel forward, step Rt back in place slightly to the left.
7&8Step Rt slightly forward, with R toes on the floor swivel R heel out, swivel R heel in weight onto Lt.
Restart Here WALL 3 after 8 count (facing 6 o’clock) after start again (facing 3 o’clock).
Sec 2: [9-16] Back, Back, ½ L, Back Mambo, Together, Side Mambo, Together, Syncopated Hip Bumps L-R-L, Weight.
1-2Step Rt Back, step Lt back. (9:00)
3&4Turn ½ left (3) mambo Rt back, recover on Lt, step Rt next to Lt.
5&6Mambo Lt to the left, recover on Rt, step Lt next to Rt.
&7&8&Bump L hip to left, bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, take weight onto Rt. (3:00)
Sec 3: [17-24] Back, ¼ L, Back, ½ Shuffle Turn, Kick, Replace, Side Rock, Recover, Kick & Point.
1-2Step Lt back, turn ¼ left (12) step Rt back.
3&4Turn ½ left (6) step Lt forward, step Rt beside Lt, step Lt forward.
5&6&Kick Rt forward, step Rt back in place, rock Lt to the left, recover on Rt.
7&8Kick Lt forward, step Lt back in place, point Rt out to the right. (6:00)
Sec 4: [25-32] Heel Across, Side, R Mambo Step Across, Side, Cross, ¼ L, Back & Back, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-2Step Rt cross Lt on heel, step Lt to the left.
3&4Mambo Rt cross Lt, recover on Lt, step Rt to the right.
5&6Cross Lt over Rt, turn ¼ Lt (3) step Rt back, step Lt back.
7-8Walk Rt forward, walk Lt forward.
Sec 5: [33-40] Syncopated Cross Vine L, R Mambo Step Across, Side, Syncopated Cross Vine R, L Mambo Step Across, Side.
1&2&Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt to the left, step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to the left. (3)
3&4Mambo Rt cross Lt, recover on Lt, step Rt to the right.
5&6&Cross Lt over Rt, step Rt to the right, step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the right.
7&8Mambo Lt cross Rt, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left weight onto Lt. (3:00)
Start again and have fun!
Sec 1: [1-8] Syncopated Kicks Fwd R-L, Step Heel Swivel, Heel Switches ¼ L, Step Heel Swivel.
1&2&Kick Rt forward, step Rt back in place, Kick Lt forward, step Lt back in place. (12:00)
3&4Step Rt slightly forward, with R toes on the floor swivel R heel out, swivel R heel in weight onto Lt.
5&6&Touch R heel forward, step Rt back in place, turn ¼ left (9) touch L heel forward, step Rt back in place slightly to the left.
7&8Step Rt slightly forward, with R toes on the floor swivel R heel out, swivel R heel in weight onto Lt.
Restart Here WALL 3 after 8 count (facing 6 o’clock) after start again (facing 3 o’clock).
Sec 2: [9-16] Back, Back, ½ L, Back Mambo, Together, Side Mambo, Together, Syncopated Hip Bumps L-R-L, Weight.
1-2Step Rt Back, step Lt back. (9:00)
3&4Turn ½ left (3) mambo Rt back, recover on Lt, step Rt next to Lt.
5&6Mambo Lt to the left, recover on Rt, step Lt next to Rt.
&7&8&Bump L hip to left, bump R hip to right, bump L hip to left, take weight onto Rt. (3:00)
Sec 3: [17-24] Back, ¼ L, Back, ½ Shuffle Turn, Kick, Replace, Side Rock, Recover, Kick & Point.
1-2Step Lt back, turn ¼ left (12) step Rt back.
3&4Turn ½ left (6) step Lt forward, step Rt beside Lt, step Lt forward.
5&6&Kick Rt forward, step Rt back in place, rock Lt to the left, recover on Rt.
7&8Kick Lt forward, step Lt back in place, point Rt out to the right. (6:00)
Sec 4: [25-32] Heel Across, Side, R Mambo Step Across, Side, Cross, ¼ L, Back & Back, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-2Step Rt cross Lt on heel, step Lt to the left.
3&4Mambo Rt cross Lt, recover on Lt, step Rt to the right.
5&6Cross Lt over Rt, turn ¼ Lt (3) step Rt back, step Lt back.
7-8Walk Rt forward, walk Lt forward.
Sec 5: [33-40] Syncopated Cross Vine L, R Mambo Step Across, Side, Syncopated Cross Vine R, L Mambo Step Across, Side.
1&2&Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt to the left, step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to the left. (3)
3&4Mambo Rt cross Lt, recover on Lt, step Rt to the right.
5&6&Cross Lt over Rt, step Rt to the right, step Lt behind Rt, step Rt to the right.
7&8Mambo Lt cross Rt, recover on Rt, step Lt to the left weight onto Lt. (3:00)
Start again and have fun!