CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Believe

( 2 Stimmen)
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Don Pascual (FR) - July 2011
I Believe I'm Falling - Micke Muster
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Start after 8 counts (on the word "your")

Section 1: Swivel to the right, clap, swivel to the left, clap
1-4Swivel heels, toes, heels to the R, clap
5-8Swivel heels, toes , heels to the L, clap

Section 2: R Kick ball change x2, jump out, jump cross, half turn to the L with two heel bounces
1&2R Kick (R diagonal), step R slightly back, step L in place
3&4R Kick (R diagonal), step R slightly back, step L in place
5-6Jump out, jump cross (ending R foot cross over L foot)
7-8 2 heel bounces making a ½ Turn to the L (ending weight on L)

Section3: Forward R shuffle, L kick x2, backward L shuffle, R kick x2
1&2Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
3-4L Kick x 2 (L diagonal)
5&6Step L back, step R together, step L back
7-8R Kick x 2 (R diagonal)

Section 4: Jazz box with ¼ turn, syncopated jump out, clap, syncopated jump in, clap
1-4Cross R over L, step L behind, ¼ Turn to the R and step R to R side, step L forward
&5-6Syncopated forward jump out ( Step R forward in R diagonal, step L forward in L diagonal), clap
&7-8Syncopated back jump in ( back R step, step L next to R), clap.

Final: Dance the first 20 counts of wall 8, and after the L kicks, add:
step L forward, ¼ Turn to the right, step L cross over R (ending facing 12h00)

Have fun with this dance !!


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