CopperKnob Stepsheets

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April Showers

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Novice Cha Cha
Carole Daugherty (USA) - January 2013
Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain) - Gary Allan
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Intro: Begin 32 cts from start of track, w/ 2nd vocal line, at 18 seconds
Note: Step 1 of each section completes the pattern from the previous section

Sec 1: Walk R, L, R, Cha Fwd L, Rock Fwd R, Recover L, Sailor ¼ Right [3:00]
1,2,3Step Fwd slightly Right (1) Step Fwd Left (2) Step Fwd Right (3)
4&5Triple slightly fwd Left (4) Right (&) Left (5)
6,7Rock fwd on Right (6) Recover Left prepped to turn(7)
8&Sweep Right CW turning ¼ Right (8) Step together Left (&)

Sec 2: Walk R, L, R, Cha Fwd L, Rock Fwd R, Recover L, Sailor ¼ Right [6:00]
1Step slightly Right (1) this completes the last step of the sailor ¼ turn
2-8&Repeat same pattern from above: Step Fwd Left (2) etc.

Sec 3: Step R, C Rock L, Recover R, Side Cha L,R,L, C Rock R, Recover L
1Step slightly Right (1) this completes the last step of the sailor ¼ turn
2,3Rock Left Fwd across Right (2) Recover Right (3)
4&5Triple Slightly Left stepping Left (4) Right (&) Left (5)
6,7Rock Right Fwd across Left (6) Recover Left(7)

Sec 4: Cha R,L,R, Sway L, Recover R, Coaster L, Sway R, Recover L, Coaster R
8&1Triple Slightly Right stepping Right (8) Left (&) Slightly fwd right (1)
2,3Sway/ Rock diagonally Fwd on Left (2) Recover Right (3)
4&5Coaster Step: Back Left (4) Together Right (&) Slightly Fwd Left (5)
6,7Sway/Rock diagonally Fwd on Right (6) Recover Left (7)
8&Coaster Step: Back on Right (8) Together Left (&) complete coaster by stepping slightly fwd Right, beginning the dance again with ct 1.

Tag Done once, After the 8th wall facing 12:00
1-4Cross Right over Left (1) Unwind ½ turn left (2,3) Recover Left (4)
(Crossing on ct 1 is the last step of right coaster that ends the dance)

Enjoy Every Dance!


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