CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ularla 2013

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Emily Mah (MY) - January 2013
988 Ular La 2013 by 988 DJ
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Start after 8 counts - Sequence : A B C-* A B C A

INTRO - 8 counts
[1–8 ] R Jazz box, together, Bump RLRL
1 – 2Cross right over left, Step back on left
3 – 4Step right to right side, Step left next to right
5 – 6Bump hips right, left
7&8&Bump hips right, left, right, left

PART A - 64 counts
[1–8 ] Step forward to R diagonal, Touch L, Step back L, Touch R, Roll shoulders RLRL
1 – 2Step forward on right to right diagonal, Touch left next to right
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right next to left
5 – 8Roll right shoulder, Roll left shoulder, Repeat

[9-16] Rolling vine R, Hip bumps LRLR
1 – 2Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, Make 1/2 turn right stepping back on left
3 – 4Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, Touch left next to right
5 – 8Step left next to right and bump hips left, right, left, right (ending with weight on right)

[17-24] Step forward to L diagonal, Touch R, Step back R, Touch L, Roll shoulders RLRL
1 – 2Step forward on left to left diagonal, Touch right next to left
3 – 4Step back on right, Touch left next to right
5 – 8Roll right shoulder, Roll left shoulder, Repeat

[25-32] Vine to L, Hip bumps RLRL
1 – 2Step left to left side, Cross right behind left
3 – 4Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
5 – 8Step right next to left and bump hips right, left, right, left (ending with weight on left)

[33-40] Step forward to R diagonal, Touch L, Step back L, Touch R, Roll shoulders RLRL
1 – 2Step forward on right to right diagonal, Touch left next to right
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right next to left
5 – 8Roll right shoulder, Roll left shoulder, Repeat

[41-48] Rolling vine R, Hip bumps LRLR
1 – 2Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, Make 1/2 turn right stepping back on left
3 – 4Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, Touch left next to right
5 – 8Step left next to right and bump hips left, right, left, right (ending with weight on right)

[49-56] Step forward to L diagonal, Touch R, Step back R, Touch L, Roll shoulders RLRL
1 – 2Step forward on left to left diagonal, Touch right next to left
3 – 4Step back on right, Touch left next to right
5 – 8Roll right shoulder, Roll left shoulder, Repeat

[57-64] Vine to L, Unwind full turn L
1 – 2Step left to left side, Cross right behind left
3 – 4Step left to left side, Cross right over left
5 – 8Unwind full turn left (ending with weight on left)

PART B - 64 counts
[1-8 ] Right diagonal shuffle, Brush L, Left diagonal shuffle, Brush R
1 – 2Step forward on right to right diagonal, step left behind right
3 – 4Step forward on right to right diagonal, Brush left next to right
5 – 6Step forward on left to left diagonal, step right behind left
7 – 8Step forward on left to left diagonal, Brush right next to left

[9-16] Jazz box ¼ turn R, Point L, ½ turn L, Point R
1 – 2Cross right over left, Step back on left
3 – 4Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, Point left to left side (3:00)
5 – 6Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, Make 1/4 turn left stepping right to right side
7 – 8Cross left over right, Point right to right side (9:00)

[17-24] Side step touch L, Side step touch R, 1/8 turn R touch L, 1/8 turn R touch R
1 – 2Step right to right side, Touch left to left
3 – 4Step left to left side, Touch right to right
5 – 6Make 1/8 turn right stepping right to right side, Touch left to left
7 – 8Make 1/8 turn right stepping left to left side, Touch right to right (12:00)

[25-32] Walk forward RLR, kick L, Walk back LRL, touch R
1 – 4Walk forward on right, left, right, kick left foot forward
5 – 8Walk back left, right, left, Touch right next to left

[33-40] Side step together, side step touch L, Side step together, side step touch R
1 – 4Step right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
(Hands moving down and up in a rolling motion like a snake to the right)
5 – 8Step left to left side, Step right next to left, Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
(Hands moving down and up in a rolling motion like a snake to the left)

[41-48] Rocking chair, Step forward R, Pivot ½ turn L, x2
1 – 2Rock forward on right, Recover on left
3 – 4Rock back on right, Recover on left
5 – 6Step forward on right, Pivot ½ turn left
7 – 8Step forward on right, Pivot ½ turn left

[49-56] Side step touch L, Side step touch R, Out out, In in
1 – 2Step right to right side, Touch left to left
3 – 4Step left to left side, Touch right to right
5 – 6Step forward on right to right diagonal, Step forward on left to left diagonal
7 – 8Step back on right to centre, Step left next to right

[57-64] R Jazz box, together, Bump RLRL
1 – 2Cross right over left, Step back on left
3 – 4Step right to right side, Step left next to right
5 – 8Bump hips right, left, right, left

PART C - 88 counts
[1-8 ] Step R forward, Touch behind, Step L back, Touch in front, Side Touch L, Side Touch R
1 – 2Step forward on right, Touch left behind right (Roll your fists forward in a circle)
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right in front of left (Roll your fists backward in a circle)
5 – 6Step right to right side, Touch left to left (Both hands at the side of your cheeks and smile)
7 – 8Step left to left side, Touch right to right (Both hands at the side of your cheeks and smile)

[9-16] Step R forward, Touch behind, Step L back, Touch in front, Side Touch L, Side Touch R
1 – 2Step forward on right, Touch left behind right (Roll your fists forward in a circle)
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right in front of left (Roll your fists backward in a circle)
5 – 6Step right to right side, Touch left to left (Hitchhiker R hand at R shoulder)
7 – 8Step left to left side, Touch right to right (Hitchhiker L hand at L shoulder)

[17-24] Side step together, side step touch L, Side step together, side step touch R
1 – 4Step right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
(Move both hands with palms facing outwards clockwise twice, hold on count 4)
5 – 8Step left to left side, Step right next to left, Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
(Move both hands with palms facing outwards anticlockwise twice, hold on count 8)

[25-32] Step R forward, Touch L, Step L back, Touch R, x2
1 – 2Step forward on right, Touch left next to right
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right next to left
5 – 6Step forward on right, Touch left next to right
7 – 8Step back on left, Touch right next to left

[33-40] Step R forward, Touch behind, Step L back, Touch in front, Side Touch L, Side Touch R
1 – 2Step forward on right, Touch left behind right (Roll your fists forward in a circle)
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right in front of left (Roll your fists backward in a circle)
5 – 6Step right to right side, Touch left to left (Both hands at the side of your cheeks and smile)
7 – 8Step left to left side, Touch right to right (Both hands at the side of your cheeks and smile)

[41-48] Step R forward, Touch behind, Step L back, Touch in front, Side Touch L, Side Touch R
1 – 2Step forward on right, Touch left behind right (Roll your fists forward in a circle)
3 – 4Step back on left, Touch right in front of left (Roll your fists backward in a circle)
5 – 6Step right to right side, Touch left to left (Hitchhiker R hand at R shoulder)
7 – 8Step left to left side, Touch right to right (Hitchhiker L hand at L shoulder)

[49-56] Side step touch L, Side step touch R, x2
1 – 2Step right to right side, Touch left to left
(Stretch both hands out at chest level to L diagonal, Pull hands back to chest)
3 – 4Step left to left side, Touch right to right
(Stretch both hands out at chest level to R diagonal, Pull hands back to chest)
5 – 8Repeat counts 1 – 4

[57-68]*Step R to right side, Hold with hand movements
1 – 8Step right to right side, Hold
(Move hands from bottom outwards at the sides to above head during counts 1 – 4)
(Swing hands in a circle anticlockwise above the head twice during counts 5 – 8)
9 –12(Move both hands with palms facing outwards from head to hip level in a S shape)*

[69-76] Rolling vine R, Rolling vine L
1 – 2Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, Make 1/2 turn right stepping back on left
3 – 4Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, Touch left next to right
5 – 6Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, Make 1/2 turn left stepping back on right
7 – 8Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, Touch right next to left

[77-88] Step R to right side, Hold with hand movements
1 – 8Step right to right side, Hold
(Move hands from bottom outwards at the sides to above head during counts 1 – 4)
(Swing hands in a circle anticlockwise above the head twice during counts 5 – 8)
9 –12(Move both hands with palms facing outwards from head to hip level in a S shape)

Note : *The first set of Part C, dance only until count 68*.

Enjoy the dance!


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