CopperKnob Stepsheets

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How Country Feels

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Mathew Sinyard (UK) - January 2013
How Country Feels - Randy Houser : (Album: How Country Feels)
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Section One – Walk, Walk, Shuffle forward, Rock Recover, Sailor Half Turn.
1-2Walk forward right, left.
3&4Shuffle forward on right foot.
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on to right.
7&8Step left behind right, turning ½ turn left, Step right in place, step forward on left.

Section Two – Kick Ball Step, Kick Out-Out, Sailor Step, Sailor Quarter Turn.
1&2Kick right forward, replace weight on ball of right foot, step forward left.
3&4Kick right forward, step right to right side, step left to left side
(Feet shoulder width apart).
5&6Step right behind left, step left in place, step right slightly forward.
7&8Step left behind right, turning ¼ turn left, Step right in place, step forward on left.
*Restart the dance at end of section 2 on walls – 2,4,6 & 9*

Section Three – Step Lock & Step Lock &Rock Recover, Full Turn(or Coaster Step).
1-2Step right forward on a diagonal, lock left behind right.
&3-4Step right forward, step left forward on a diagonal, lock right behind left.
&5-6Step left forward, rock forward on right, recover on left.
7&8Triple full turn on the spot (right, left, right).
*alternative 7&8* Right Coaster – step back right, step left beside right, step forward right.

Section Four – Rock Recover, Shuffle Back, Behind, Unwind, Step Turn, Cross Touch.
1-2Rock left forward, recover on right.
3&4Shuffle back on left foot.
5-6Touch right toe behind left foot, turn a ½ turn right onto right foot.
7-8Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right whilst sliding right toe across left foot.
(** Add some attitude to the last two turns with body rolls as you turn! **)


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