Absolute Beginner
This dance is choreographed as an ‘easy option’ or Floor Split to Kate Sala’s wonderful “Black Heart” dance.
16 count intro.
Rock Back, Cross Step, Chasse, Rock Back, Cross Step, Chasse With 1/4 Turn Right.
1, 2Cross rock on L behind R. Cross step on R over L.
3 & 4Step L to left side. Step R next to L. Step L to left side.
5, 6Cross rock on R behind L. Cross step L over R.
7 & 8Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R. (3 o’clock)
Rock Forward, Recover, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle forward.
1, 2Rock forward on L. Recover back on R.
3 & 4Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step back on L.
5, 6Rock back on R. Recover forward on L.
7 & 8Step forward on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
Heel Switches and touch, Steps Back, Coaster Step
1& 2&Tap L heel forward, Step L next to R, Tap R heel forward, Step R next to L.
3& 4Tap L heel forward, Step L next to R, Touch R toe next to L foot.
5, 6Step back on R, Step back on L.
7 & 8Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
Grapevine Left, Step & Sway Right, Sway Left, Sailor Step.
1, 2Step L to L side, Cross step R behind L.
3, 4Step L to L side, Touch R toe next to L foot.
5, 6Step R to right side swaying hips right. Sway hips left.
7 & 8Cross step R behind L. Step L to left side. Step R to right side.
Start Again!