CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Ben Heggy (USA) - September 2012
Starships - Nicki Minaj
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Alt. music:-
StarSHIPS (Explicit) By Nicki Minaj
Starships (Glee Cast Version) by Glee

Start: On lyrics, 16 counts,
All wall position references are given as if each part starts facing 12:00 wall.

Part A: The lyric part
Tap, Tap, Behind-Quarter-Step, Tap, Tap, Back-Half-Forward
1-2Tap right toe diagonally forward; Tap right toe diagonally forward;
3&4Step right behind left; Turn ¼ left and step left forward (9:00); Step right forward;
5-6Tap left toe forward; Tap left toe forward;
7&8Step back on left; Turn ½ right and step right forward (3:00); Step left forward;

Behind, Unwind, Point-Close-Point-Close, Hands: Attitude snaps (4)
1-2Touch right behind left; Unwind ½ turn (weight to right) (9:00);
3&4&Point left to the side; Step left together; Point right to the side; Step right together;
Allow your weight to shift onto left foot at any time during the following hand sequence.
The pattern traced by your hand in this sequence should look like you are drawing the numeral 2 very large on a wall very close to you.
5Snap your right fingers in front of your left shoulder, keeping your hand closed after the snap;
6Sweep your right hand up and out to the right in an arc, snap fingers;
7Sweep your right hand across your body in an arc ending about waist high on the left, snap fingers;
8Move your right hand horizontally out to right, snap fingers;

Part B: The dancefloor part
Kick, Step, Kick, Step, ¼ Sailor turn, Rock-Recover-Cross
1-2Kick right forward; Step forward on right;
Optional styling: move right hand as if lifting and replacing your top hat in a chorus line.
3-4Kick left forward; Step forward on left;
Optional styling: move right hand as if lifting and replacing your top hat in a chorus line.
5&6 Turn ¼ turn right and step right behind left; Step left together; Step right forward;
7&8Side rock left; Recover weight to right; Cross left over right;

Ball, Cross, Ball, Cross, Side-Cross-Side, ½ Turn sailor
1Step ball of right to side, remaining up on ball with knee straight;
Optional styling: Hands up – right out to the side, left in front of face
2Cross left over right, bending knee slightly and lowering body;
Optional styling: Pull both hands down to waist level and out to the left side as you snap your fingers
3-4Repeat 1-2;
5&6Step right to the side; Cross left over right; Step right to the side;
7&8Step left behind right; Turn ½ turn left and step right together (3:00); Step left forward;
Optional styling: When Nicki Sings “Here I am” hold both arms forward with elbows bent and palms open as if presenting yourself.

Part C: the Starship part
Big Step, Arm out, Touch, Arm out, “Weebil” full turn
1Big step to the right;
2Extend right arm out horizontally to side, palm down;
3Drag left together into a touch;
4Raise left arm from your side to horizontal, extended to your left, palm down;
5-8Keeping your arms extended like aircraft wings; Turn ¼ turn right and rock onto the left foot (turning to face 3:00); Turn ¼ turn to the right and recover weight onto the right (turning to face 6:00); Turn ¼ turn to the right and rock onto the left foot (turning to face 9:00); Turn ¼ turn to the right and recover weight onto the right (turning to face 12:00);
Make these rocks dramatic with your feet well apart, allowing your upper body to list to the side. Your extended arms remain extended straight and dip and raise with the listing upper body.
Think of yourself as a child on a playground pretending to be a starship tipping its wings as it executes a turning maneuver in space.

Step, Close, Hands: Raise right, Raise left, Pump both(3), Hip, Hip, Out, Out
1-2Step left to the side; Step right together;
3Bend the left arm up at the elbow, palm bent backward at the wrist and facing up, fingers pointing backward;
4Bend the right arm at up at the elbow, palm bent backward at the wrist and facing up, fingers pointing backward;
5&6Raise both hands toward the sky and then return to the original position three times;
&7&8Place right hand on left hip; Place left hand on right hip; Pull right hand out from behind left arm throwing it out to the right side and letting it relax at side; Repeat the same motion with your left hand, ending with it at your side;

Big step, ¼ Turn touch, Triple forward, Step, ½ Pivot, Triple forward
1-2Big step to the right; Turn ¼ turn left and touch left forward (9:00);
3&4Triple forward: left; right; left;
5-6Step right forward; Turn ½ turn left (weight to left)(3:00);
7&8Triple forward: right; left; right;

Back, Back, Back, Side mambo cross, Bump, Bump, Bump
1-3Walk back: left; right; left;
4&5Rock right out to side; Recover weight to left; Step right across left;
6Step left close to right, bumping hips left;
7-8Bump or roll hips: right; left;

Part D: The Motherly Part
Knee bend, Stand, Knee bend, Stand, Diagonal Touches
1-2Drop into a deep knee bend, spreading knees apart; Stand back up;
3-4Drop into a deep knee bend, spreading knees apart; Stand back up, weight to left;
Optional styling: hold your arms out at shoulder level with the elbows bent 90 degrees forward so your upper arms point out to your sides and your forearms point to the front.
Your whole arm should be level. As you drop into the knee bends, rotate your arms so that your forearms are pointing upward and rotate them back to level as you stand up.
5-6Touch right forward on left diagonal; Touch right back on diagonal;
7-8Touch right forward on left diagonal; Step right next to left;

Knee bend, Stand, Knee bend, Stand, Cross, Slow Unwind, Close
1-2Drop into a deep knee bend, spreading knees apart; Stand back up;
3-4Drop into a deep knee bend, spreading knees apart; Stand back up, weight to left;
Optional styling: same as in the preceding 8 counts
5Cross right over left, stretching right straight arm across the body with hand out in front, low on left diagonal;
6-7Full turn unwind over two counts, weights ends on right, raising right hand straight up over head as you unwind (12:00);
8Step left next to right, dropping right hand to your side;

Dance sequence: A A B B C C D D A A A B C C D D C C D D

Last Revision - 7th October 2012
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