CopperKnob Stepsheets

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This Song of Love (P)

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Improver - Partner
Toshio Suzuki (SG) & Swee Tuan (SG) - August 2012
Hear My Song - Bouke : (CD: Sings Elvis And Other Hits)
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Alt. music:-
This Song Of Love (Dahil Sa Iyo) by Alfred Apaka (CD: My Isle Of Golden Dreams)
The Magic Is There by Daniel O’Donnell (CD: Greatest Hits)
Ashita no Nai Koi (track 11) by Mariya Takeuchi (CD: Denim)
Getaran Jiwa by P Ramlee (CD: Kenangan Abadi I – Getaran Jiwa)
(Or any of your favorite Rumba )

Start on vocals - Start Position: Open Facing (Butterfly)

Man’s steps stated (based on the line dance)
Opposite footwork unless otherwise stated

Section 1: ¼ Left Turn, Walk Forward (3), ½ Turning Right Brush, Walk Forward (3), Brush
1 - 3Turning ¼ left, walk forward on L, R, L (in open position, Man’s R hand holding Lady’s L hand) (facing 9 o’clock)
4½ turning right with weight on L, lightly brush/scuff R
(in left open position, couple changes hand hold) (facing 3 o’clock)
5 - 7Walk forward on R, L, R (Man’s L hand holding Lady’s R hand)
8Light brush/scuff L (weight on R) (still facing 3 o’clock)

Section 2: Step to the Side, Touch, Step to the Side, Touch, Turning ¼ Step to the Side , Touch, Step to the Side, Touch/Brush
9 - 12Step to the left on L (small step), Touch R next to L (change from single hand to double hand hold), Step to the right on R , Touch L next to R
13-16Turning ¼ left (straightening to face 12 o’clock) step L to left, Touch R next to L, Step R to right, Touch/ Brush L next to R (still joining both hands) (facing 12 o’clock)

Section 3: (Variation from the line dance)
MAN : Begins slow ½ turn left in QQS, QQS
17-24Small steps ½ turning towards the left, step L, R, L, hold, R, L, R, hold (end facing 6 o’clock)

LADY: Slow rumba walk forward in QQS, ½ turning left in QQS
17-20Small steps walk slightly diagonally forward R, L, R, hold
(Still enjoined in double hand hold, Man raises the couple’s hands over the Lady’s head)
21-24Making a ½ turn left, step slightly in place L, R, L , hold
(Lady would have completed a small ½ twirl and end facing Man in open position)

Section 4: (Couple in open facing butterfly position)
Sways, Rock Back, Recover
25-28Stepping L to left sway left (25), hold (26), Sway right (27), sway left (28) (SQQ)
28-30Sway right (29) , hold (30) (weight on R) (S)
31-32Rock back on L, recover on R (weight on R) ( QQ)

Start the dance again

Tag : (when dancing to the tracks by Bouke and by Alfred Apaka)
After completing 4 rounds, you will be facing the front/12 o’clock wall. Add this easy 8-count tag
1 – 7Same steps as in Section 1 above
8½ turning left with weight on R, lightly brush/scuff L (facing 9 o’clock)
Begin dance again from Section 1, leaving out the turning ¼ left since you are already facing the 9 o’clock wall.

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