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That's Amore

( 10 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Ayu Permana (INA) & William Sevone (UK) - August 2012
That's Amore - Patrizio Buanne
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Two Wall Phrased Line Dance:- Intermediate. Twin tempo 3/4 Waltz and 4/4 Jive
Phrasing:- A-A-A-A(21)-TAG 1-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-TAG 2-A
Choreographers note:- Note the start positions of both Tags and that of Part B
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the word ‘..Moon’

PART A - 32 counts
Sec 1: Fwd. Together. Step. Back. Together. Step (12:00)
1-2-3Step forward onto right. Step left next to right. Step onto right.
4-5-6Step backward onto left. Step right next to left. Step onto left.

Sec 2: Cross. Side. Together. Cross. Side. 1/4 Together (9:00)
1-2-3Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Step right next to left.
4-5-6Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Turn ¼ left & step left next to right (9).

Sec 3: 1/4 Fwd. 1/2 Bwd. Together. Slow Coaster (12:00)
1-2-3Turn ¼ left & step forward onto right (6). Turn ½ left & step backward onto left (12). Step right next to left.
4-5-6Step forward onto left. Step right next to left. Step backward onto left.

Sec 4: 1/4 Side. Cross. Side. 1/2 Side. 1/4 Cross. Back (6:00)
1-2-3Turn ¼ right & step right to right side (3). Cross left over right. Step right to right side **.
4-5-6Turn ½ left & step left to left side (9). Turn ¼ left & cross right over left (6). Step backward onto left.

TAG 1 On the FOURTH Part A: dance until Count 3** of Section 4 (facing 9:00) then perform the Tag
1 - 2Turn ¾ left & step forward onto left (12). Tap/touch right next to left.
1 - 2Turn ¼ right & step forward onto left (12). Touch/tap right next to left.

PART B - 32 counts
Sec 1: Basic Charleston with Hold (12:00)
1 - 2Touch R toe forward. Hold
3 - 4Sweep R to right and step R backward, Hold
5 - 6Touch L toe backward. Hold
7 - 8Sweep L to left and step L forward. Hold.

Sec 2: 2x Toe Strut. 2x Touch In-Together (12.00)
1 - 2Step right toe forward. Step right heel down
3 - 4Step left toe forward. Step left heel down
5 - 6Touch right toe inward to left instep. Step together.
7 - 8Touch left toe inward to right instep. Step together.

Sec 3: 2x Grapevine-Diagonal Kick (12.00)
1-2-3-4Step right to right side. Step left behind right, Step right to right side. Kick left diagonally right.
5-6-7-8Step left to left side. Step right behind left. Step left to left side. Kick right diagonally left.

Sec 4: Fwd Touch. 1/4 Touch Bwd. Fwd Touch. Hold. 2x Side-Diagonal Touch (9:00)
1 - 2Touch right toe forward. Turn ¼ left on ball of left & touch right toe backward (9)
3 - 4Touch right toe forward. Hold
5 - 6Step right to right side. Touch left next to right & turn body diagonally right.
7 - 8Step left to left side. Touch right next to left & turn body diagonally left.

TAG 2 Performed after the 8th complete Part B (facing 12:00).
Note: Counts 1-22 - General body direction is toward 12:00 with Counts 23-24 - turning to 6:00.
1 - 3Step right to right side. Drag left next to right over 2 counts.
4 - 6Step left diagonally backward left . Drag right next to left over 2 counts
7 - 9Step right diagonally backward right . Drag left next to right over 2 counts.
10 - 12Step left diagonally backward left . Drag right next to left over 2 counts
13 - 15Step right diagonally forward right . Drag left next to right over 2 counts.
16 - 18Step left diagonally forward left . Drag right next to left over 2 counts.
19 - 21Step right diagonally forward right . Drag left next to right over 2 counts.
22 - 24Step left diagonally forward left . Turn ½ right & step right next to left. Step onto left (6:00)
Dance Note: 1-12 heavy ‘Rise n Fall’ action.. 13-24 (tempo slightly faster) normal Waltz action

DANCE FINISH: The dance will finish on Count 6 Section 4 of Part A – facing the ‘Home’ wall

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