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Back In Your Arms

( 1 Stimmen)
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Mary Squillace (AUS) - August 2012
Back In Your Arms Again - The Mavericks : (CD: 'Suited Up And Ready')
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Intro: Dance starts 16 counts from the heavy drum beat.

Section 1: Rocking chair, Side Shuffle L, Boogie Steps R,L
1,2,3,4L step forward, R recover, L step back, R recover [On the spot[
5&6Side shuffle to L (L,R,L) [Travel Left]
7,8On ball of R foot, toe facing 45 degree R, twist R heel to R, On ball of L foot toe facing 45 degree L, twist L heel to L (12.00) [On the spot]

Section 2: Rocking chair, Side Shuffle R, Boogie Step L,R
1,2,3,4R step forward, L recover, R step back L recover [On the Spot]
5&6Side shuffle to R (R,L,R) [Travel to Right]
7,8On ball of L foot, toe facing 45 degree L, twist L heel to L, On ball of R foot toe facing 45 degree R twist R heel to R (12.00) [On The Spot]

Section 3: Cross Shuffle, Step back,1/4 turn, Cross Shuffle,1/4 turn Rock forward, Recover
1&2Step L over R, stepping R to R, Step L over R (L,R,L) [Travel Right]
3,4Step Back on Right, ¼ turn onto L [Turn Left]
5&6Step R over L, stepping L to L, Step R over L (R,L,R)(9.00) [Travel Left]
7,8Step L forward with ¼ turn to L, Recover Right(6.00) [Turn Left]

Section 4: Reverse Full Turn L, Hinge 1/4 turn L, Side Shuffle L, 1/4 Turn Rock Back, Recover, Kick Ball Step
1,2½ turn L place weight on L, ½ turn L place weight on Right(6.00)[Turn Back Left]
3&4With weight on R,¼ Turn Hinge L, Side shuffle (L,R,L)(3.00) [Travel Left]
5,6Step Back turning ¼ R onto Right, Recover Left [Turn Right]
7&8Kick R forward, Recover on Right, Step On Left(6.00) [On The Spot]

Section 5: Sway R, L, Behind Side 1/4, Step, Rock Forward Recover, Reverse 1/2 Turn Touch & Clap
1,2Rock onto Right, Recover Left [On The Spot]
3&4Step R behind L, Step ¼ L onto Left, Step forward on Right(3.00)[Travel Left]
5,6Rock forward Left, Recover Right [On The Spot]
7,8½ turn L place weight on Left, Touch right next to L and clap (9.00) [Turn Left]

Section 6: Full Turn To Right Clap, Full Turn Left 1/4 Turn Scuff Right
1,2,3,4Full Turn to Right Step(R,L,R) touch Left beside Right and Clap(9.00)[Turn Right]
5,6,7,81 ¼ turn to Left, (L,R,L) scuff Right(6.00) [Turn Left]

Section 7: Step 1/2 Turn, Turning Shuffle, Rock Back Recover, Kick Ball Cross
1,2Pivot ½ Turn Left, stepping R,L (12.00) [Turn Left]
3&4Shuffle R,L,R, turning a ½ Turn to Left (6.00) [Turn Left]
5,6Rock Back on Left, Recover onto Right [On The Spot]
7&8Kick Left forward, Recover on Right, Cross Rover L(6.00)(restart**) [On The Spot]

Section 8: Sway L,R Behind Side Cross, Sway R,L Behind Side Cross
1,2, 3&4Sway onto Left, Recover Right, Step L behind R, Step R to side, Cross Left over Right [Travel Right]
5,6,7&8Sway onto Right, Recover Left, Step R behind L, Step L to side, Cross Right over Left(Tag 12.00) [Travel Left]

Tags: At End of 2nd wall and 4th wall add 16 count (Tag*) both at 12.00
1,2,3&4Rock back on Left hook R over L, Recover R, Shuffle L,R,L Turning 1/2 Right
5,6,7&8Rock back on Right, Recover L, Shuffle R.L,R Turning 1/4 Right
1,2,3&4Rock back on Left hook R over L, Recover R, Shuffle L,R,L Turning 1/2 Right
5,6,&&8Rock back on Right, Recover L, Turn 1/4 L, Shuffle forward R,L,R

Restarts: On count 56 Walls 3&5 both at 6.00

Ending: At 12.00 with the full turn ¼ scuff

Contact: - PH: 042 7700596
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