It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels - Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette & Loretta Lynn : (Album: Honky Tonk Angels)
Alt. Music:-
Tammy Wynette - Dolly Parton
Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Rock back recover ¼, Shuffle, Vine 3, point
1-2Rock back, right, recover to left, turning ¼ left
3&4Side shuffle, R-L-R
5-6Step left behind right, right to side
7-8Step left across right, point right to side
[9-16] Weave, turn ¼ x2, Vine,
9-10Step right across left, step left to side
11-12Step right behind left-step left to side, turning ¼ left
13-14Step right to side, turning ¼ left, step left behind right
15-16Step right to side, step left across right
[17-24] Rock, recover, Cross strut X2
17-18Rock right to side, recover to left
19-20Step right toe across left, step down on left heel
21-22Rock left to side, recover to right
23-24Step left toe across right, step down on left heel
[25-32] Step right, brush left. Paddle 1/4X2, Step, touch
25-26Step right beside left, brush left fwd
27-28Paddle (pivot) ¼ right on left, recover to right
29-30Paddle (pivot) ¼ right on left, recover to right
31-32Step left fwd, touch right beside left
*One Restart—5th sequence, Starting at 12:00,after 16 counts, just as you turn to 3:00 wall.
Tammy Wynette - Dolly Parton
Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Rock back recover ¼, Shuffle, Vine 3, point
1-2Rock back, right, recover to left, turning ¼ left
3&4Side shuffle, R-L-R
5-6Step left behind right, right to side
7-8Step left across right, point right to side
[9-16] Weave, turn ¼ x2, Vine,
9-10Step right across left, step left to side
11-12Step right behind left-step left to side, turning ¼ left
13-14Step right to side, turning ¼ left, step left behind right
15-16Step right to side, step left across right
[17-24] Rock, recover, Cross strut X2
17-18Rock right to side, recover to left
19-20Step right toe across left, step down on left heel
21-22Rock left to side, recover to right
23-24Step left toe across right, step down on left heel
[25-32] Step right, brush left. Paddle 1/4X2, Step, touch
25-26Step right beside left, brush left fwd
27-28Paddle (pivot) ¼ right on left, recover to right
29-30Paddle (pivot) ¼ right on left, recover to right
31-32Step left fwd, touch right beside left
*One Restart—5th sequence, Starting at 12:00,after 16 counts, just as you turn to 3:00 wall.