Beginner / Improver - waltz
24 count intro
This line dance is dedicated to our friend Margaret Fleming on her birthday
Diagonal Waltz to Left, Recover
1-2-3Right cross forward on left diagonal facing 45°, left beside right, right beside left (10.30)
4-5-6Left back turning to the front, right beside left, left beside right (12.00)
Diagonal Waltz to Right, Recover
1-2-3Right forward on right diagonal facing 45°, left beside right, right beside left (1.30)
4-5-6Left back turning to the front, right beside left, left beside right (12.00)
Forward, Half turn, Back Together
1-2-3Step right forward, turn . right and step left back, step right together
4-5-6Step left back, step right together, step left together.(6.00)
Forward, Half turn, Back Together
1-2-3Step right forward, turn . right and step left back, step right together
4-5-6Step left back, step right together, step left together.(12.00)
** Restart here on wall 4
Twinkle left, Twinkle right
1-2-3Step right over left, step left slightly to left, step right together
4-5-6Step left over right, step right slightly to right, step left together
Forward Box Step, Forward Box Step
1-2-3Step right forward, move left forward and step to the left (all in one count), Bring right together
4-5-6Step left forward, move right forward and step to the right (all in one count), Bring left together (12.00)
Step, Turn, Step, Recover, Turn, Together
1-2-3Step Right forward, pivot ? left, step forward right (7.30)
4-5-6Recover back onto left, step Right together turning ? left, step left together (6.00)
Right, Drag, Touch, Rolling Grapevine Left
1-2-3Step Right to right, drag left to right, touch left beside right
4-5-6Rolling left, step L ., step R ., step L ..
Begin again from the start.
Restart: On wall 4, dance to count 24, and restart (you will be facing the back)
This line dance is dedicated to our friend Margaret Fleming on her birthday
Diagonal Waltz to Left, Recover
1-2-3Right cross forward on left diagonal facing 45°, left beside right, right beside left (10.30)
4-5-6Left back turning to the front, right beside left, left beside right (12.00)
Diagonal Waltz to Right, Recover
1-2-3Right forward on right diagonal facing 45°, left beside right, right beside left (1.30)
4-5-6Left back turning to the front, right beside left, left beside right (12.00)
Forward, Half turn, Back Together
1-2-3Step right forward, turn . right and step left back, step right together
4-5-6Step left back, step right together, step left together.(6.00)
Forward, Half turn, Back Together
1-2-3Step right forward, turn . right and step left back, step right together
4-5-6Step left back, step right together, step left together.(12.00)
** Restart here on wall 4
Twinkle left, Twinkle right
1-2-3Step right over left, step left slightly to left, step right together
4-5-6Step left over right, step right slightly to right, step left together
Forward Box Step, Forward Box Step
1-2-3Step right forward, move left forward and step to the left (all in one count), Bring right together
4-5-6Step left forward, move right forward and step to the right (all in one count), Bring left together (12.00)
Step, Turn, Step, Recover, Turn, Together
1-2-3Step Right forward, pivot ? left, step forward right (7.30)
4-5-6Recover back onto left, step Right together turning ? left, step left together (6.00)
Right, Drag, Touch, Rolling Grapevine Left
1-2-3Step Right to right, drag left to right, touch left beside right
4-5-6Rolling left, step L ., step R ., step L ..
Begin again from the start.
Restart: On wall 4, dance to count 24, and restart (you will be facing the back)