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Keep Me in Mind

( 1 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Margaret Morrison (USA) - May 2012
Keep Me in Mind - Zac Brown Band
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Start Dancing after 16 count intro - Sequence: AAAA, first 20 of A, BB, AAAA

“A” – 32 COUNTS
A1: Basic Right, Basic Left, Lock Step Forward, Shuffle with ½ Turn to Right
1-2&Step right long step to side, rock left (slightly behind right), recover to right
3-4&Step left long step to side, rock right (slightly behind left) recover to left
5&6Step right foot forward, step left behind right, step right foot forward
7&8Step left foot forward, turn ½ to right (6:00) while stepping on right, step left foot forward

A2: Mambo Forward, Step Back Left-Right-Left, Step Back Right and Drag Left Heel, Ball Step, Step
1&2Step right forward, step left next to right, step right back
3&4Step back on left, step back on right, step back on left
&5-6Step back on right (&) and drag left heel slowly for 5-6
&7-8Touch ball of left foot next to right, step forward on right, step forward on left

A3: Step Lock Step Forward Right, Step Lock Step Forward Left, Step ½ Turn to Left, Step ½ Turn Left
1&2Step right foot forward, step left behind right, step right foot forward
3&4Step left foot forward, step right behind left, step left foot forward
5-6Step right foot, turn ½ turn to left, transferring weight to left foot
7-8Step right foot, turn ½ turn to left, transferring weight to left foot

A4: Rock Recover to Right, Behind Side Cross, Rock Recover Left Behind Side Cross
1-2Step right to right side, recover to left
3&4Step right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6Step left to left side, recover to right
7&8Step left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right

“B” – 32 COUNTS
B1: Walk Forward Right-Left, Anchor Step, Turn ½, Turn ½, Left Coaster
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Step right slightly behind left, step left in place, step right in place
5-6Turn ½ left and step left forward, turn ½ left and step right back*
(*Non-turning alternative for 5-6…..Walk back left, right)
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward

B2: Point, Right Sailor, Walk Forward Left-Right, Walk with ½ Turn
1Point right toe to right side
2&3Cross right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side
4-5Walk forward on left, walk forward on right
6-7-8Walk left, right, left while turning half turn (12:00)

B3: Hip Bumps Right, Hip Bumps Left, Right Sailor, Step, Left Sailor
1-2Bump hips to the right twice
3-4Bump hips to the left twice
5&6Cross right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side
7&8Cross left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side

B4: Ball Walk-Walk, Lock Step, Rocking Chair
&1-2Touch ball of right foot next to left, step forward on left, step forward on right
3&4Step left forward, step right behind left, step left forward
5-6Step right forward, recover to left
7-8Step right back, recover to left

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